Top 10 Things I've Learned About Running

Axe34 Posts: 37 Member
I started running back on June 19, after a disastrous physical. I used the Couch25K program and finished it almost two weeks early and ran 11K on Monday. Tomorrow I'm gunning for 15K. I've lost 20 pounds, shaved 20 points off my blood pressure and three inches off my waist.

So, without further ado, I give you the Top 10 things I've learned about running.

1. Just getting out the door is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome when you first start. Once you're out, you're golden.

2. If you're new to running, use a program like Couch25K. Don't just throw on sneakers and run until you can't run any more. You'll end up injured and/or discouraged.

3. The first month is hard. It seems like it will never get easier. It won't, but it will be a new type of hard. An enjoyable hard.

4. Even if you've only started running, call yourself a runner. You are.

5. There are few things as beautiful as a woman running with a ponytail flying behind her.

6. Set goals. They motivate you and track your progress. Celebrate when you hit them.

7. Running won't solve non-health problems by itself, but it will give you the time and space to solve them on your own.

8. Remember to build in rest days. Your body needs to recover to keep you physically and mentally motivated.

9. When you think you're about to hit your limit, you usually find out you're nowhere close to it.

10. There is greatness in everyone. You have to decide if you're going to go look for it or turn your head and look away. It's entirely up to you.

And a bonus...

Your body will always tell you the truth, but your brain will lie to you.


  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    This was really cute actually, thanks for sharing.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Thanks for that. I did three weeks of C25K and did so well and then injured my knee. Have been sitting on my large back end since. I needed this.
  • lisasumner14
    lisasumner14 Posts: 16 Member
    Just went for my first run today since I broke my leg in march. Thanks for the inspiration! I've been swimming and cycling to build up the strength in my leg but it was so hard to run today. Gotta take it slow!

    I'm using the couch to 10k app, love it.
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for sharing this. I just reached running 10 minutes straight. Feels amazing.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Thanks for sharing! Just starting c25k (again) today.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    And congratulations on your achievement -well done!
    (sorry - hit reply too soon earlier:)
  • laurenhugs23
    laurenhugs23 Posts: 153 Member
    So I came on the forums to ask a specific question regarding running, so I'm not sure if this is the place to post it, but anyway here I go.
    So I just started a diet and exercise regime on Thursday. For diet I'm using the myfitnesspal ap and for exercise I'm using C25K. So I'm supposed to run day 2 of week 1 on C25K today, but I'm still so sore. Should I just run through the pain, as it's really not that much running? Or would that put me at risk of injury? I really want to keep on this schedule to stay motivated, so I'd really appreciate your feedback.
  • Axe34
    Axe34 Posts: 37 Member
    You should definitely NOT run through pain -- as opposed to just general soreness from working out muscles for the first time in a while.

    Keep in mind, not all C25K programs are equal. I tried one program two years ago and it started with walk one minute > run one minute X10 the first day. That's 10 minutes of running right out of the gate which, in my opinion, is way too much. I burned out in two weeks with injuries and fatigue.

    This is the one I used this time around:

    Much more gradual and it still gets you where you want to go. I actually completed it a week and a half early.

    Good luck and congratulations to everyone who's out there running!
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    5. There are few things as beautiful as a woman running with a ponytail flying behind her.

    Lol its funny that you say that, I was just thinking this the other night during my run. My ponytail is one of my motivations while running! Anytime I start to get tired, I glance down at my shadow and see my ponytail swinging.. in a weird way it encourages me to go just a bit further.
  • DannyPatterson18
    DannyPatterson18 Posts: 7 Member
    That was awesome! I graduate my C25K next Thursday. I am so excited. Getting ready to do my first 5k race next month. I have two scheduled! Thanks for sharing! True and humorous info!