
I started taking Green Tea with Hoodia... will this help my weight loss?
Anyone have any advice on supplements?


  • dcc016
    I've taken that before back in high school. It works okay. Its more of an appetite suppressant than anything, some of my friends took it too and it worked better for some of them than me. I think it just depends on your body. One of my roommates has been using that this past month and she said using that and working out every day shes lost 10lbs. I never lost that much.

    Whats worked for me is tonalin, and you can get it form Vitamin World and GNC. Right now I'm taking phentermine and you can get that prescribed from a doctor. It does wonders!
  • vjade
    vjade Posts: 27
    I personally take Xenadrine. It's the only one other than prescription (phentermine) that works. It's pretty inexpensive as well. I pay $24.00 and get 90 pills. I only take 2 per day but, on the rare occassion I have taken in the A.M. and in the afternoon. It gives you energy but, not too much you can't sleep and helps to keep your appetite down as well. I usually just pop in two in the morning and then I'm good to go. Hope that helped. ... Oh, I forgot to include you can buy them at CVS, Walmart ETC.. It's white and blue.
  • dcc016
    Wow. I will definitely have to check that stuff out! Because it is such a hassle finding a doctor that wants to prescribe the phentermine. Plus $24 is about half the cost once I pay for a doctors visit , and get the prescription filled, and its 3 times the pills. Thanks!
  • ladymac67
    ladymac67 Posts: 10 Member
    I tried the Mega Green Tea with Hoodia all summer for 3 months - it just made me full all day then after dinner I would get ravenous and over eat.


    Is what the doctor prescribed some sort of speed? I ask b/c I had a doctor try to give me Rx for speed last spring - and I thought - wow, two diet mountain dews make me unable to sleep... can't imagine being on speed and ever seeing the inside of my eyelids again.
  • dcc016
    Yes it is. Well I mean, its not REALLY speed, but everyone refers to it that way. This is my second time to be on it and the first doctor I had would prescribe to just about anyone who wanted it, but he was far away and expensive so I quit going to him.

    I went to a practice and asked about my doctor about it and he put me on a lower dose because he is wary of it since its so powerful. He calls it "cheating" lol. I've never had any problems sleeping with it. As long as you take it at the start of your day you should be fine by time you go to sleep. Of course, everyone reacts to it differently.
  • megannnn15
    megannnn15 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the great advice guys(and gals)!!