40 Something keen to try the 12345?

Hi, I'm not interested in the trials and tribulations of previous diets...just interested in anyone who has done or lives their lives by this way of thinking..Have you tried it? How did you get on?


  • nursenelson
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Not following either, what's the 12345?
  • whitehusky3
    nursenelson, I think she's talking about the 12345 Diet. It equals to 1500 calories throughout the day total. You have a 100 calorie snack, a 200 calorie snack, a 300 calorie breakfast, a 400 calorie lunch, and a 500 calorie supper.
  • scarletlilly
    scarletlilly Posts: 6 Member
    Hello you..! Its really about calories in, and in limitation. 100 calorie snacks x2 times a day, a 300 cal breakfast, a 400 cal lunch and a 500 cal dinner...totalling 1400 calories per day.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    If that's it - I suppose it would work fine. - it's 1500 calories....
    I personally, don't need any extra rules or I get weird.
    What would you do if your friend wanted to go out for lunch at a place without good options? Or breakfast? Can you swap them?
    Does it also ask you increase activity?
  • scarletlilly
    scarletlilly Posts: 6 Member
    As I understand it you can swap it around on occasions, however the key is to get used to portion control and also to begin to understand your own unique distribution of calories...