Zumba or Bokwa?



  • I teach Zumba and Bokwa; I have never felt as toned or as coordinated as I have teaching Zumba! I've never had so many injuries (I've been a fitness instructor for 15 years) as I have doing Bokwa! Please bear in mind, these courses are 1 day courses that involve very little, if any, anatomy and physiology training. I apologise to all the other Zumba and Bokwa instructors out there, but they give you next to zero prep to teach classes or deal with injuries. A friend of mine asked to be booked into a Bokwa Level 2 class and was allowed, AFTER she stated she had an Achilles injury and she had never tried Bokwa before. Zumba done right can give you the biggest calorie burn and the largest smile of your fitness life! Bokwa done right can also make you sweat like a trooper, but you really have to watch those ankles and calves, and try to make sure your instructor has other fitness qualifications too! It's for your own safety!
    Much love xx
    Fitness isn't a physical challenge; it's a mental one. If you think you can, YOU'RE RIGHT.
  • Zumba got me back into working out and i love it!! Recently my Zumba instructor started introducing us to Bokwa and i must say it kinda sucks.. its too boring and just doesn't give you the freedom to dance your heart out like Zumba does.

    And @Lovingfit.. you are totally right about the opportunity for injury when doing Bokwa! Zumba all the way!
  • My Zumba instructor started also teaching Bokwa once a week for a few months now. At first I thought I would like Bokwa better because I find the steps easier to do. For some reason, I have a hard time with all the pelvic movements and shimmying in Zumba. ( I still go religiously, but I think I'm probably the most awkward person in the class.) There is very little of that in Bokwa (at least in my class), but the steps are still high impact and challenging. However, I'm finding that I'm starting to get bored with Bokwa because it is SO repetitive. Plus, I think it's kind of weird that all the moves with kicks only use the right leg. Just seems kind of imbalanced to me. For this reason, Bokwa seems more of a "fad" to me than Zumba.
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    I've heard a lot about injuries in Bokwa as well. I'm a Zumba instructor, so I have to admit that I'm a little biased on which one I like more. But at least with Zumba you're taught that what you do on one side, you also have to do with the other side. I've also heard people say Bokwa is nothing more than advanced aerobics. My students like Zumba because they can modify the moves to their own comfort level. I've never hurt myself with Zumba.
  • laurengracegale
    laurengracegale Posts: 5 Member
    I do both and i do prefer Zumba, Bokwa is just a bit repetitive for me and i have the same instructor for both. Both are great though and my friend who gave up on Zumba for lack of co-ordination loves Bokwa!

    Just a question when adding to MFP do you enter Bokwa as Zumba for calorie count? Does anyone do Bokwa step and have any idea what i should add that as?!
  • Bekahjoy113
    Bekahjoy113 Posts: 1 Member
    I do Bokwa 2x/week and I LOVE it!!