Miltary partner

hey there,

My better half has just gone to Afghan for 4 months, hes in the Royal Air Force.. and I was wondering if there was anyone out there that understands how I am feeling right now. Seriously struggling to find motivation and struggling not to be ridiculously emotional.

Could use a friend that's been or going through something similar.

I am 21, have a four year old daughter, I work out with Jillian Michaels or Dance DVDs, I work 4 days a week and tend to work out at home more than anything, plus walking everywhere.

Feel free to add me, could use the support round about now.



  • debbiek75

    My husband is in the army and has not long come back from tour I have four children and do jm DVDs too xx
  • ellebrosseau
    ellebrosseau Posts: 103 Member
    My boyfriend isn't deployed but he's been out of state for more than a year studying medical stuff for the army. :(
    Going to add you.
  • traceyfunk
    Good morning! My husband is in Afghanistan right now too, (Canadian Army) but it sounds like what you're going through was me 20 years ago when my husband went off to Bosnia for the first time. I didn't have a child, so I certainly didn't have the responsibilities that you do now, but non-the-less, this is the perfect time to put your self first! He's there, there's nothing you can do about it, and worry is just a complete waste of energy. Your emotions will settle with time as you find your routine, and 4 months will actually fly by so the sooner you get on track the better! If it's all you can do to just hold yourself together for the next 4 months, then that is good enough - you certainly don't want to slide backwards and eat your way through your loneliness, but your health and wellbeing is what you have full control over right now, and this is the perfect time to be all you can be!
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you for your replies ladies :) Nice to know I am not alone with this and that the best thing to do is get a grip. :happy:
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    My husband is retired Navy, and I was at home through a one-year deployment while he was out at sea.

    If you weren't getting emotional about the separation, I would suggest you have your head checked. I don't know what sort of support you have in your military community. Here in the States, we have organizations of Navy wives that were there for each other and also involved in community service. Seek them out if you have them.

    Keep him up to date about you and your daughter. Talk to him via Skype. We didn't have that back then. Get emotional. You're human after all. Beats trying to stuff those emotions with food. Four months will seem like an eternity, but go by in a flash. Trust me.
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    Thank u so much. First person to say its ok to be emotional, got family that are not sure how to take me, I am not normally emotional and the last couple of days I have cried at silly things.. Need to avoid the biscuits and chocolate aisles in supermarkets.. oh and lets not forget wine hah! Trying really hard not to crumble. Only the first couple of days and I really do hope it gets easier, not heard from him yet and I think that's driving me round the bend but I should really get used to not hearing from him... 4 months of me time is the way to look at it but I miss him. First time saying it, maybe I shouldn't be so hard faced, daren't mention it on facebook incase people moan about me being soppy. So yeah finding it hard but thanking my lucky stars we have Skype, email, facebook, parcel and letting sending...

    I will be ok, I will work it out and I mean that literally, every time I crave food I might just set up and work out haha!