Quitting drinking soda

jenuhfur Posts: 47
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
How do wean yourself off of it? I drink so much a day, but I can't be having this much sodium anymore, and I won't have any weight loss.


  • figure out how much per day you drink on average, and just slowly cut back every week.
  • How much do you currently drink? My first recommendation is to tell yourself you can have a pop after you have 4 glasses of water. Then allow yourself one pop, then have another 4 glasses of water before you'll let yourself have another. Don't totally stop drinking it, that never works! But try to incorporate more water and then you'll start to feel so much better after you drink less and less of it:)
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I had a one-a-day soda or juice rule, but I'm at a plateau, so I'm going to move to one-every-other-day for a while until I'm ready to go completely off of it.
  • countryfatgirl
    countryfatgirl Posts: 20 Member
  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    Not only that, but there are some reports that say it could be slowing down one's metabolism (aka "metabolic syndrome")--that's why I'm weaning myself off of it, too. I have it about 2 times a week at most. I used to have it twice a day, or one huge one from a fast food place. For me. I just had to cut it out bit by bit--enough to where I didn't crave it so much. Then I was able to go 3 & 4 days without it. Now I only tend to have it if its a really hot day, and I'm out driving around running errands.

    Good luck--I know it's tough!
  • I'm a Coke addict, too. :drinker: But I'm going to quit using soda water. Some studies have shown that part of the appeal of soda is the carbonation. It reacts with saliva and creates carbonic acid, which is *slightly* painful to the tongue. This pain causes the brain to release endorphins, which creates a "feel-good" feeling. Thus, you feel good, so you want more....

    I don't particularly like soda water, but, if it can get me off Coke, I'll do it. :happy:
  • A gross amount. At least a 2L bottle a day if not more. I know it's a disgusting habit, but I just can't shake it!
  • I used to only drink coke. 100% coke everyday, nothing else. I had to have two bottles at work per day just to make it through. I slowly weaned myself off of it reducing it by a can a week. Three months later all I drink is water. I feel great. I tried a coke a few weeks back and couldn't drink it because its way too sweet. If I can kick the habit, anyone can. Just do it slowly over time.
  • Rock on!
  • make sure you are drinking the sodium free soda water. look into the soda stream machine...it works GREAT!
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    Try drinking Zevia Natural Cola if you really want a soda.
  • all these suggestions are great. reducing is good. i personally quit soda like i quit smoking....cold turkey. you can do it your body will be so thankful. healthy choices. one at a time.
  • I quit soda cold turkey too. It was hard for the first couple days, I work/co-own a video store, so all we carry is soda to drink! And candy...oh man, cutting that out was super hard. But after about 4 or 5 days the cravings go away, and all I drink now is water.

    I also drink a Jones soda occasionally--they're non-caffeinated, so if you need the feeling of having a soda, try a Jones once in awhile. :)
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    I quit cold turkey too. Feels GOOD! All i drink now is water. I always have a water bottle in hand.
  • I never drank soda... Until this one place I worked did not have coffee... But a soda machine... I got hooked on them.... I have cut way down like to one a day. I drink flavored water, plain water, crystal light, juice to replace it and of course coffee.....
    Take one soda away a week till you are down to one... Then as you take away add water of some sort like I did above...
    I eventulally home to have no soda.... Are if I do just occassionally... Its beginning not to taste good to me...
  • I didn't quit cold turkey -- I used a caffeine replacement. I wanted to quit soda, but had no reason to quit caffeine, so i switched to tea, both hot and cold. It worked well for me. I also drink plain seltzer water because I like the bubbles.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    My trying to wean myself too. I'm trying to lower my amount of sodas a day. I drink 3 a day, and I hope to change it to 2 soon. Then 1 a day to hopefully 0.

    But the tip about drinking 4 glasses of water after each soda, I may try that. I hope it works.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    How much do you currently drink? My first recommendation is to tell yourself you can have a pop after you have 4 glasses of water. Then allow yourself one pop, then have another 4 glasses of water before you'll let yourself have another. Don't totally stop drinking it, that never works! But try to incorporate more water and then you'll start to feel so much better after you drink less and less of it:)

    This was how I did it I've been completely pop free for two weeks now, and lost an inch at my waist and .5 on my hips. Now if I can cut back on coffee and avoid the headaches from lack of caffeine I will be doing good. Though since I've stop drinking pop I drink a ton more coffee. I don't really miss the pop that much any more. You will feel a ton better and not as bloated
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I make myself drink a certain amount of water first and then allow myself a soda. I have seriously been considering trying seltzer water though...I'd love to be done with sodas!
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I was drinking 12 to 18 sodas a day. At various times it was Diet Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, Coke, Pepsi, etc.
    I had a pancreatitis attack late last year and no longer could tolerate Diet Cokes. I switched to Cokes and put on a good 30 lbs. I was already consider obese to begin with at that point.

    I knew that I was addicted to the caffeine and each time in the past I had tried to quit I got massive headaches. But I knew if I could just make it 3 - 4 days without them the headaches would cease. And basically I could make a decision without the addiction having a say in the matter. I gave them up completely on June 30th.
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