Mid Carb - helpful or pointless



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    Why do you believe this is wrong?

    When you are in ketosis, your body is forced to become more efficient at metabolizing fat for energy through the upregulation of pathways that break down fat within the liver. It's the same reason you often have to take more of a drug to get the same effect -- your liver becomes more efficient at breaking it down. Why do you not believe the liver would be more efficient at metabolizing body fat too, when one is in a caloric deficit?

    To the OP, many people find lowering their carbs and upping protein/fat to be more satiating, thus helping with weight loss. Do more research on low(er) carb diets if you are planning to eat this way forever, as some health problems have been reported in association with it, but as a short term way to make weight loss easier and more sustainable, I think it's definitely worth a try.


    Interesting link, thanks. I can find studies that report metabolic benefits of LCHF ketogenic diets in the short term but I admit I can't find anything specifically pointing to the practical effects of more efficient triglyceride metabolism so this "benefit" may be theoretical.

    No problem. Hope you found it useful. The guy who owns this website as you maybe saw, he wrote a book on the Ketogenic diet and he doesn't say its completely useless or anything, just.. the fat loss effect is the same as any other.
  • DrPepper000
    DrPepper000 Posts: 48 Member
  • JorisSt
    JorisSt Posts: 36
    Its always better to eat Low carb or Mid carb products. Low Carbs are needed when you do a protein diet or a low carb diet.

    If you just want to lose weight by eating healthy food you can try to eat more Mid Carb then High carb products.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I do 45/25/30 and love it. At my current macros, I can eat all my favorite foods and not feel deprived for anything.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    OP: If you stay lower carb as in fewer than around 20-25% carbs, increasing fat is not going to harm you. It is eating high carb AND high fat that causes issues with cholesterol and weight gain. Right now, my doctor has me around 15-20% carbs/30% protein/50-55% fat. This is to keep me from going into ketosis but also helps to prevent gestational diabetes while I am pregnant. I am pre-diabetic so at a high risk. The levels of fat keep me satiated and help bump up my calorie intake because right now I am not eating enough.

    Even though this is for when I am pregnant, I go back to this plan fairly often when I need a break from the ketogenic diet like around holidays and such. This will allow me to lose still without the same level of restriction.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Related question... How on earth do people get their carbs under 50g a day (under 100g/day, even!) and still consume adequate nutrients? I'm struggling to get carbs under 100g a day, with most of my carbohydrates coming from vegetables, dairy (plain greek yoghurt & cheese) and 1-2 fruits/day. I've basically eliminated grains and pulses in the short term trying to achieve this... Do you only eat meat, fish and eggs?
  • njbh86
    njbh86 Posts: 38 Member
    Related question... How on earth do people get their carbs under 50g a day (under 100g/day, even!) and still consume adequate nutrients? I'm struggling to get carbs under 100g a day, with most of my carbohydrates coming from vegetables, dairy (plain greek yoghurt & cheese) and 1-2 fruits/day. I've basically eliminated grains and pulses in the short term trying to achieve this... Do you only eat meat, fish and eggs?

    You've heard of Atkins, I presume? You basically DO only eat Meat, eggs etc, because you're having to keep your carbs so low that you can't afford to have the veggies etc. If it's medically recommended because of diabetes or something then keto seems fine to me but it's not something I'd do voluntarily - seems like more hard work than necessary!

    Speaking personally, by the way, OP, I work on 45/30/25 C/F/P ratios and will eventually up P and reduce C and F as I get better at eating right. I'm losing steadily (with a couple of bad weeks mixed in :P) at those ratios. There's really no need to make drastic changes - people will try to push the fact that it's a huge change so it's bound to have some sort of different effect but in reality, if you eat at a deficit, you will lose :)
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Related question... How on earth do people get their carbs under 50g a day (under 100g/day, even!) and still consume adequate nutrients? I'm struggling to get carbs under 100g a day, with most of my carbohydrates coming from vegetables, dairy (plain greek yoghurt & cheese) and 1-2 fruits/day. I've basically eliminated grains and pulses in the short term trying to achieve this... Do you only eat meat, fish and eggs?

    Meat, fish, eggs, full fat dairy (only a few people can fit yogurt in to their diet), low carb/high fiber veggies like spinach and broccoli. It is not nearly as restrictive as it seems. There are a lot of dips, dressings, cheeses, and other things that are absolutely delish!! Basically though, no fruit or grain products, legumes or high sugar/low fiber veggies. All of the micronutrient needs can be met through the allowed foods.