We can do this!

cinyb Posts: 70 Member
Just came across this site one day and decided to join. I think it's fantastic so much information, motivation and great people who can really relate. I've started my weight loss journey many times and manged to lose weight but gain it back and then some. The biggest difficulty I experience while attempting to loose weight is consistency and sticking with it. So I was hoping to make some friends on here that could help me to stick with it, keep me accountable and encourage me as I will with them. I need to lose 100+ pounds which is kind of daunting. I think if I set mini goals to do that it will help alot more then looking at the total number. I've managed to lose 20 pounds but since being in a car accident back in May have put 8 pounds back on. So if your interested add me as a friend and we can do this together :)


  • czrewor
    czrewor Posts: 32 Member
    You can do whatever you put your mind to, stick picture up and you will get lots of friend requests. Add me if you like.
  • AcerZen
    AcerZen Posts: 5 Member
    Yes we can!! I am feeling quite motivated at the moment and I hope it continues with the support of others. Feel free to send me a friend request and good luck!
  • czrewor
    czrewor Posts: 32 Member
    This app really helps, and people really supportive especially if you dont have support at home like me, ppl trying to offer me cakes and junk, they think its hilarious lol. Just try your best, thats the only thing any of us can do.
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • cinyb
    cinyb Posts: 70 Member
    ty :)
  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    Good luck with your journey :) feel free to add me
  • pa77y
    pa77y Posts: 36
    Trying to start again! I think motivation is the key. Need help to jump start again. Add me if you think we can help each other! Florida girl.