New Beginnings

Hello, I am new to this online forum. I have tried to diet and exercise for so many years, but nothing ever works for long. Although I have a great family, I often feel alone when it comes to diet and exercise, mostly because none of them have to diet or worry about their weight.
I have great friends, but my friends are in the same boat as my family, they are not concerned with diet or exercise.
I guess some of my problem is that I am afraid or too proud to ask for help or support. I would love to say I lost weight and got healthy on my own... I am admitting this....I can't do it on my own.
I hope there is someone(s) out there that I can create a bond with that can help, and offer me support, that I can also be that support system for them
I am desperate to lose weight, as my health is starting to show its age, and I am not willing to live the other half of my life fat and miserable.


  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Amy, I was in the same boat for years. There's only you that can make this happen and if you want it so badly, you will do it! Feel free to add me, I will help motivate and support you. Jan x
  • ravensfitnessjourney
    ravensfitnessjourney Posts: 247 Member