Fat for Life

I have been overweight all my adult life. Growing up I have always been overweight. I was always called the fat girl, the chubbs, you name it, that has been me. I was always slightly overweight growing up but nothing too major. I used to weigh around 130 lbs as teens and that increased when i started college. I started eating more and more when I was in college as I had a stressful major but I I weighed around 150-160 lbs when I was in college, pretty chubby/fat, but still manageable. I was not extremely overweight until i reached my mid twenties.

Ever since I started working I have been piling on the pounds like nobody's business. I have a highly stressful working life (I'm an Attorney), a lot of late nights, working on the weekends and waking up at 2 or 3 am to complete my work. These highly stressful events have been going on for almost 4 years and will unlikely reduce unless i quit my job.

I want to lose weight mainly because i realize now that walking up a flight of stairs have left me heaving uncontrollably and breathless, it was never the case before. Back when I was in school and in college, I used to be able to climb at least 4 flight of stairs before feeling a little breathless but things have gotten worse since then.I used to enjoy walking everywhere, but now I find myself hating to walk anywhere because It just leaves me super drained.

I currently weigh 240lbs now and at 5'2, that is extremely a bit too much and for the longest time I have been in fat denial, I avoided going on scales because i dreaded looking at the number. I justified eating good food with the motto you only live once. Not only that it is increasingly difficult to find clothing my size and it gets super frustrating. And I avoided taking pictures of myself because i hated looking at how enormous I have become.

The problem is I love food and I salivate just watching them on tv (yes i'm a fan of food network) and this has been a problem for me. I spend a lot of money every month seeking out good food as a way to de-stress from my job. I have a love-hate relationship with food in a nutshell.

I'm here because I realize that If I keep going on this way, I would probably not make it pass 50. I want to experience a full and enriching life but in order to do that I must first be healthy.

My goal in losing weight is to limit my calorie intake per day to range from 1000-12000 per day. And have one cheat day every week. I plan to at least walk 10 minutes/3 times a week and increase the frequency and longevity once I'm used to the routine. I'm not trying to lose weight super fast. I'm not in hurry. But I feel its about time I take control of my life. I am here to get motivation and inspiration and support from all you people. Any kind words and helpful tips are most welcome. I hope to start this journey with the support of this newly found community.



  • I think you've come to the right place for support and motivation. I've never actually posted anything before, but I do read through different topics for encouragement.
    1 thing I would like to advise you, is not to cut your calories so drastically. It will be really hard to maintain, you'll be hungry and get frustrated. I would begin by limiting your calories to 1500-1800. Once you feel like you have your eating under better control you could reduce a little more, but don't drop below 1200, unless this is something your doctor has advised you to do. I've never been able to eat less than 1500 calories without feeling like I"m starving. I'm also 5'2" and close to my goal weight now. Start with small goals. Make small changes at a time. Don't try to do it all at once, you'll get frustrated and give up. Also, I would put your scale away for the 1st month. Get yourself a tape measure and use measurements to track your success. I actually marked on my tape measurer with a shapie. Also, add some activity in to your day. Good Luck!
  • victoriahunt93
    victoriahunt93 Posts: 18 Member
    The first thing you need to realize is that you're already doing the right thing just by realizing that you have a problem and wanting to take control. It is the absolute WORST feeling in the world to wake up every morning and hate what you see in the mirror and feel completely out of control of your own body and your own life.

    I love "good" food too ( its funny that you call bad-for-you food 'good' food...) and there will always be room to enjoy eating out, ice cream, bread, cheese, pizza, but that momentary pleasure you get from eating those foods will never compare to feeling HEALTHY and in control of your body and your life. Once you start tracking what you eat, you will realize that food legitimately is a tool that you have to use to fuel your body and your life. Food will become your most powerful form of medicine and hopefully exercise will become your most beloved de-stressor.

    As a former "I hate my body, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I don't feel in control", I can honestly say that I am PROUD of you for realizing your problem, taking responsibility for it, and deciding to take control of it. Your attitude already puts you ahead of all the people who will die too young because of an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Do it for cute clothes, do it to look sexier, do it to be able to experience new things, do it for your family, do it for yourself, but most importantly - do it so that you can be alive long enough to find health and happiness. You deserve that. And no slice of pizza, ice cream cone, or bag of chips is worth your life and your health and your happiness.

    You can do this. Slow and steady. Just make the choices that you KNOW are right, track your food and exercise, hold yourself accountable, and it will happen on its own. Good luck!
  • Aishteru85
    Aishteru85 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank You for the tips! I will definitely rethink my goal and go slowly! :smile:
  • Aishteru85
    Aishteru85 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for the kind works and motivation. I really need all the help that I can get! :smile:
  • Aishteru85
    Aishteru85 Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you!
  • catwomun
    catwomun Posts: 35 Member
    I am a lot like you. I am a filmmaker and tend to not eat properly on shoot dates. I have been large my entire adult life. I was manageable when I got married but now, as I am getting divorced, I realize that I need to take my life back. Feel free to add me and we will help each other out!
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, your topic heading caught my attention because this is exactly how I feel. I remember being five years old, looking at my stomach, and thinking I was fat. Probably since age 2 until I began my weight loss journey 2 years ago I have been somewhere on the range of what a doctor would call "overweight" or "obese" or as I would say it "fat." I am glad you are here to make a change. 1000-1200 calories might be too difficult to achieve long term, and may not be the best strategy even in the short term. This is the tool I use to help me calculate how many calories to consume daily, and it has been working. http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

    I know you can do this, and I know how you feel! Do this for you and you will feel a million times better.
  • sana_f
    sana_f Posts: 1
    Best of luck dear ...........
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Wow, sad story. you're right to take this seriously. start with the keto calculator. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
    it's not about calories, its about carbohydrates. get started and set your goals according to what the calculator suggests. take the carbs down to under 50 grams. you won't meet the calorie goal you set, not reasonable. it's going to be some time before you can safely exercise carrying the amount of weight you mentioned so take the carbs down first, get under 180 pounds and then start walking a bit. good luck. keep in touch.
    no bread,
    no grain (wheat, rice, corn,)
    no sugar
    no booze
    no fruit,
    no potatoes.
    good luck.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm is a good calculator

    And when I first started trying to work out my calories, I used that site, but it was setting my daily intake as too high. Extereme fat loss 2192 calories? LOLz yah, no, lemme tell ya, I wasn't losing weight at 2192 calories, there was nothing extreme about it. What I do use from the site is the zig zag method though. I zig zag once-twice a week, and hit my target calories 3-5 times a week.

    But, honestly, i liked the MFP one because when I do my check-in, it adjusts for me. it sets me at 1600 for 2 lbs off per week. I think I'm dropping more than that right now because I'm new and adjusting to it (shedding water weight w/e).

    I'd check out Ophidion's links, too.

    It's a lot of information at first! So, take your time getting used to things here. I'm still learning the site.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Though I haven't been fat all my life, I'm similar to you in some ways, high stress job yes (though I thrive on stress but a lot of travel makes it difficult to plan for food, and hotel and restaurant meals..........ouch), but I started getting breathless, unable to walk up stairs, avoiding walking any distance, and I too love food and food programmes.I'm here to tell you you can do something about it. I started nearly 7 months ago and have lost about 10 lbs a month on a 2 lb a week calculation of goals.You do not have to give up your love of food you can eat what you want within your calorie allowance, you just have to make better choices, for example I eat more fish and shellfish as it is lower calorie, I weigh any buttter I use in cooking and make sure there is enough for flavour but the minimum I can for calorie reasons. I have switched from beer and wine, high calories, to spirits (no mixers), low calories. I avoid things like white bread in any amount as it is high cal and not particularly nutritious. Changing your mindset is the way ahead.

    OK, so what does this do for you? Well, I started feeling healthier when I'd lost around 20 lbs and just get better and better. I've started doing a lot of walking and in the last week started running up stairs on occasion! No breathless problems there. I was, I feel sure, suffering from sleep apnoea, waking up many times during the night, I now generally sleep right through, last night for example my Fitbit (a good thing to think about buying by the way to assess your activity, etc) shows I slept for 6h 23m, was restless for 8 minutes and didn't wake up at all. I'm also in bed for less time as the quality of sleep is better and 5.5 to 6.5 hours is average for me now. I'm also all round happier, I don't hate myself any more for being fat, and people comment I am much brighter in outlook and much more active.

    So, this is what is ahead of you, get your mind into gear and go for it! Oh, and be careful what you read on this forum, there is so much bad science going the rounds it is incredible. Calories in less than calories out is the algorithm for weight loss, exercise helps but is not the be all and end all, I lost quite a bit before I started exercising. Good luck with your journey!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Wow, sad story. you're right to take this seriously. start with the keto calculator. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
    it's not about calories, its about carbohydrates. get started and set your goals according to what the calculator suggests. take the carbs down to under 50 grams. you won't meet the calorie goal you set, not reasonable. it's going to be some time before you can safely exercise carrying the amount of weight you mentioned so take the carbs down first, get under 180 pounds and then start walking a bit. good luck. keep in touch.
    no bread,
    no grain (wheat, rice, corn,)
    no sugar
    no booze
    no fruit,
    no potatoes.
    good luck.
    I call BS of the greatest capacity, read the links I provided you.

    To imply that weight loss is not about calories is well moronic, this person is over complicating it with their dietary preferences.

    A calorie deficit is the cause of weight loss, plain and simple.

    All movement is exercise so ignore the "your to heavy to exercise" comment, just be careful not to overdo it.(Consult a doctor if you have any concerns)

    And finally try to set a reasonable calorie deficit/goal for yourself, think sustainable and healthy.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Start with the calories. Learn to live a healthy life, learn to eat to live. You can still enjoy food, but those treats need to be in moderation and not to de-stress. Think about other things that help you unwind. As another person said above, do not go below 1200 calories. Lower is not necessarily better. I would suggest you calculate your BMR and set that as your minimum. You will need to fuel your body. And sleep is important, too.

    Do you think exercise could become a form of de-stressing?
  • lgriffin78
    lgriffin78 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello there to my new MFP family , I am in the process of taking my health more seriously. I have been working out by walking and doing Zumba classes. I become discouraged at times but I know the weight will not shed overnight. I would like any advice to help with this journey ahead. My beginning weight was 327 and now im 320 lbs. If anyone has any suggestions for workout dvds that would be a great help also.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Ease up on your calorie deficit. If you starve yourself, you'll crash and burn. You have to do what's sustainable long-term if you want to get it off and KEEP it off. Stress doesn't help - do you have time to fit a little yoga in? :flowerforyou:
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    no bread,
    no grain (wheat, rice, corn,)
    no sugar
    no booze
    no fruit,
    no potatoes.
    good luck.

    Lolz! No, thank you!

    You'll find your way, don't worry. :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Wow, sad story. you're right to take this seriously. start with the keto calculator. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
    it's not about calories, its about carbohydrates. get started and set your goals according to what the calculator suggests. take the carbs down to under 50 grams. you won't meet the calorie goal you set, not reasonable. it's going to be some time before you can safely exercise carrying the amount of weight you mentioned so take the carbs down first, get under 180 pounds and then start walking a bit. good luck. keep in touch.
    no bread,
    no grain (wheat, rice, corn,)
    no sugar
    no booze
    no fruit,
    no potatoes.
    good luck.

    Whaaat!? She can exercise - hell I was walking as exercise when I was heavily pregnant & 233lbs. Didn't kill me.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I concurs with Jenilla1. That calorie limit may be too low. Try it and see how it goes, but if you find yourself feeling hungry or prone to binges ever so often, consider going up to 1600 calories about for a while.

    I used to be where you are now. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Just remember that it's a lifestyle change so whatever you do to lose weight, you need to be willing to maintain for the rest of your life. I love food, too, and have found a way to balance eating what I love with losing weight. I'm not perfect and sometimes I mess up, but I'm definitely in a much better place than I was two years ago.

    God luck. You've already made a huge step forward by starting here. You can do this!
  • no bread,
    no grain (wheat, rice, corn,)
    no sugar
    no booze
    no fruit,
    no potatoes.
    good luck.

    Lolz! No, thank you!

    You'll find your way, don't worry. :)

    Wow, this manner of "eating" would certainly set you up for failure (READ: Major binge!). People seem to confuse the fact that we need carbs for energy (Good carbs = Complex carbs; Bad carbs = Simple carbs (all the processed, junk food, and sugar that many of us crave). I can sincerely empathize with you because I am in a very stressful situation right now and tend to eat to soothe (putting myself in a food coma doesn't make me feel any better, nor does the added pounds I've put on these past three months) myself. I know food will always be an issue for me. I have to learn to forgive myself and move on because if not, I'm no good to anyone. Good luck in this journey of yours. Baby steps .......... put on those walking shoes and do what you can do. Remember, each day will bring renewed energy.