Exercising with Chronic Pain


I am just starting out again and would love some support and motivation from others who are suffering from pain and still losing weight, or trying to lose weight :)

I have been struggling with my weight for some time now, and aside from eating the wrong foods and too much of generally everything, I am also struggling with chronic pain. I have had two slipped discs in my lower back, both of which have been operated on, but with minimal success, the nerve pain that radiates through my legs is under control, but I've been left with about 40-60% numbness in my right leg, and the nerve that controls my calf muscle, my heel collapses and the ability to stand on tiptoe or balance properly has been crushed, at this stage with little hope of recovering full feeling/use. On a day to day basis I have an intense pain across my lower back that leaves me unable to stand upright until lunchtime after I've had a heat pack on it and got some gentle movement through it.

So in an attempt to get back some control over my pain and hopefully improve it, I need to lose weight, I can't seem to focus on my diet without exercise, so have joined a gym with a pool and am trying to alternate pool and no impact equipment workouts every day. I am going to try out a weights class and a pilates/yoga class to increase my core strength, but will have to take that day by day.

Anyway, if anyone else is going through chronic pain and needs to lose weight, I'd love to hear from you, any ideas you have for getting through the pain and not feeling so discouraged and depressed when it hits it peak would be great too!


  • ambermpage
    ambermpage Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome back! I had horrible lower back pain for year (numbness in the lower back and a stabbing fire pain). I found that taking a walk, no matter how short, seemed to help. I also started doing water aerobics which is awesome for the back since there is basically no impact. Right now my back pain is gone (cross the fingers) since I have lost some weight. Maybe that will help with your pain!! Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks Ambermpage :) I used to love walking, but now find it difficult because I end up dragging my leg behind me, even on a flat route and a short time of 20mins, I just can't keep up the pace I need to get my heart rate going . I've been thinking about trying the aqua aerobics, the class that my gym runs has a lot of fast twisting which I'm not allowed to do yet, hopefully if I can shift 10kg then it will take sme pressure off and I can give it a go :)

    I'm really hoping the weight loss will take away majority of the pain too, i hope your pain stays away as well! thanks for sharing :)
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Yes, I have several health issues. I have chronic pain from a tumor. I can understand somewhat.

    I am loosing weight and I do exercise when I am able. I am not able to have a consistent work out routine because of the pain and my reduced lung capacity. That being said, I don't give up. (ever) I seriously have too much attitude to just give up. I have a gym membership and use the treadmill, recumbent elliptical, etc.

    I think you're on the right track with using the swimming pool.