Tattoos and exercising



  • antypim89
    antypim89 Posts: 31 Member
    To be honest I have a huge tat on my rib cage that runs vertically from hip to rib cage. Depending on the amount of detail sweating may really irritate when it is in its first stages. I found mine as it was on my rib cage often came out from under the wrap and stuck to just about anything...bed clothes, the sheet...I think i waited a couple days to a week for the scab to dry out then went back to it.

    If its small and you can manage to keep it clean/ prevent it from sticking then i wouldnt worry too much

    Happy Inking
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have one on each wrist. For both of them, I went to work at a fried chicken joint within hours after getting them done. I slathered them up with neosporin, wrapped them under saran wrap, and I was good.

    The colors are still bright and amazing 8 years later, and they healed up just fine (I unwrapped them and cleaned them after work each night, of course).

    I know some folks say using neosporin is bad, so use your judgement on that. Not sure where you are getting the work done, but it did feel sore when I bent my wrists (which was all day).
  • lordsangel
    lordsangel Posts: 167
    I have one in the same spot your considering getting one and I would say go ahead and do it. It took maybe 3 days to get to a point where I could work out again. And I dont regret it at all! I love mine and I'm sure you'll love yours too. Just make sure youreally want it b/c it is permanent! :wink:
  • antypim89
    antypim89 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh also be careful about where it is...does it run to your waist or potentail areas which may become stretched again i.e when having babies. This is something i took into consideration as i didnt want mine to stretch out like ive seen on other people
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Dont use A&D. LOL Your ink is not BUTT. Use Cure'l Advanced healing lotion. and can work out the next day. Cover it up to ensure the sterility of the environment. You DONT want it to get infected.

    Curel was what the artist here told my friend, I went with her when she had her fourth one done last week. And it's not a huge piece, it's just a small set of words. nothing too fancy, major props to all the folks who can put the time, effort and money into huge beautiful pieces though :smile:
  • RunawayDaisy
    I had one done on my lower back and of all my tattoos this was the worst as far as healing. Everytime I bent at the waist the scab would break- it took a long time to heal. All my other tattoos were not to bad and healed quickly. I can only assume a treadmill, stairclimber etc wouldn't be to bad on ya- but anything that required alot of bending or twisting and turning may prove to be sensitive. I would just keep it mousterized constantly with some ointment- this may help with sweat getting into it as well. I would avoid the pool till completely healed the chlorine could wash out the color. Back in the day we used Bactine, vaseline or hydrocortisone cream and we kept it covered. I do not know what is used these days, some no longer cover their's. But ask your artist what is best.
  • Irishmoonwitch
    your 1st tattoo on your about pain..and tons of healing time

    This. My sister got her first tattoo on her ribs. And she cried the entire time. That is one of the most painful places to get one. That being said I have five tattoos. One on each wrist took no time at all to heal. One on my left shoulder, again no time at all to heal. One above my right breast- Had to have two touch ups bleed a bit more then normal but healing time was not to long a few days. Then a huge Celtic cross with a claddagh down my spine. That took two sessions, but healing time only took a few days. I always use aquaphor on my tattoos.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Where you get it and the size also makes a difference. My first was about the size of a flip-phone and on my ankle. No biggy, no pain.. the one on my back was about the size of 1/4 of my back and took 6 hours. It was misery for a week and I couldn't wear a bra the entire time!!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,041 Member
    If you're planning to get it on your ribcage, I would recommend to wait at least a week because you do any real exercises in that area. The constant bending and pulling may cause color loss or the scabbing can keep pulling. If you're just doing something like an elliptical you should be fine, but if you're doing serious corework, I would wait.
  • Catjag
    Catjag Posts: 107
    I just got my fifth and was in the gym the next day, ran the Devil Dash a week later. This one is on my forearm so I just watch to make sure it doesn't rub against anything while it heals. You would be surprised how much your arm scrapes against your body when you are really paying attention.

    If you do any aqua workout you may want to postpone that for at least for the first two weeks. I teach aqua but I teach from the deck and only jump in if a member needs me so its been pretty easy to stay dry though I REALLY miss the hot tub.
  • mbarnhill1
    mbarnhill1 Posts: 7
    I am really glad someone asked this question....every ones input helped me out :)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I think everyone is different. Neither of mine ever scabbed up. Mine are upper arm and ankle so both touch clothes all the time (except on short pants days) and no issues at all with rubbing on clothes either.

    I would think as long as you clean it well with soap and water and then use your unscented lotion as they recommend you will be fine. Just ask your artist when you go in and they can give you better advice since they do that for a living.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    your 1st tattoo on your about pain..and tons of healing time

    Really? That sucks - I was planning to get my next one here, but don't want to have to miss a week or so of workouts. Bleh.

    FWIW, my original tattoo artist told my hubs and I to use Bag Balm on it. I used it and my tat still looks great. my hubs didn't and his could use a touch up. Just saying...
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    Dont use A&D. LOL Your ink is not BUTT. Use Cure'l Advanced healing lotion. and can work out the next day. Cover it up to ensure the sterility of the environment. You DONT want it to get infected.

    You can use A&D. Plenty of tattoo artist actually use it during the tattoo process. For the first 2-3 days you will be putting antibiotic ointment or A&D on the tattoo. You rub it in so the skin can breathe. After 2-3 days, you'll go to fragrance free plain lotion. Also depending on your artist is whether they recommend covering the piece. If you do cover it during workout sessions, make sure to clean immediately after, because the sweat being trapped can cause an infection.

    Now to answer the real question, the day after getting work done is the most sensitive for me. I had to take a 1 day break after getting two pieces of my sleeve done. The rib cage is a high motion area, so it may be tender during exercise. With every tattoo I get, I let my body tell me if it can handle the workout. Trust your instincts once you have the work done, and good luck!
  • mclovingirl86
    mclovingirl86 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone. I just got my second. The first I got was a tramp stamp and healed without a problem. The new one is on my ribs...planning of giving core work a miss for the rest of the week but hope to do some bike, tready and eliptical trainer instead but on a lower intensity. I'll keep you guys posted on how I go :smokin: