
Hi there,

Thinking seriously about buying Insanity, just was wondering if someone would take a second and let me know a few things..

1. Is it going to kill me?

2. 10 discs, 60 days, how does that work?

3. Do you have to stick to diet plans? With small child that's never ever going to happen.

4. Do I need any equipment?

5. How much room do I need, thinking about asking my mum to join me but my living room isn't massive?

Thank you.. Also if anyone has any results 5ft 2? That would be fab.. :flowerforyou:


  • Hi

    I've just this minute ordered Insanity and will be starting next Monday. I'm terrified but really excited and looking forward to seeing some results. I'm 5'5" and 12st5lbs and after reading lots of reviews I'm not expecting to lose many lbs but am going to measure myself and take photos. I chose this workout after finding out I wouldn't need much floor space or have to buy any equipment. I doubt I'll stick to the diet they recommend but will be eating healthily and am cutting out all junk food and alcohol.

    I hope you decided to go for it and if you do we should keep each other updated to spur us on!

  • ElizaPure
    ElizaPure Posts: 25 Member
    Hey hiya girls

    In all seriousness it'll be the hardest workout you ever do BUT the most rewarding ! you'll see results fast an your fitness levels will increase ten fold.

    Just remember this..........................GO AT YOUR OWN PACE :D
  • ElizaPure
    ElizaPure Posts: 25 Member
    once your pack arrives it'll have a exercise chart so you'll be doing different ones one different days to get the maximum results

    It is hard but if you stick at your own pace, as the weeks pass you speed will naturally increase. as well as your fitness.

    All you need is a towel and water! that's it ! you use your own body weight as resistance, that's why I go it, instead of P90X.

    I done mine in my own living room too, you don't need massive of space but I would move things outta the way first just in case

    And if I could post my before and after pictures on here I would but I don't no how to do it :( but there well awesome !

    Good luck girls and have fun with it xXx
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    bump! im thinking about getting insanity too
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    I just finished the day 1 fit test. I am dead. BUT - I'm excited to see the results at day 60. Feel free to add me, I'd like some more friends who are doing insanity!
  • Jomarle1
    Jomarle1 Posts: 25 Member
    I have it. It's going yo kill you but it's worth it! have never managed to finish it though. :)
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    I'm in my recovery week and starting Month 2 later this week. While my weight hasn't changed much, I have lost inches, so it is worth it. Just make sure you have some water and towels handy :wink:

    I was scared of it as well, but just dove in w/o a second thought. It is very hard, but like Eliza said, go at your own pace. Even though I looked like I just got out of the shower when I'm done, this has been one of the most rewarding exercises... I feel 10x better afterwards than I did w/ just jogging, walking, the elliptical, etc.

    You won't be disappointed :smile:
  • hellynewman
    hellynewman Posts: 26 Member
    I've just done a blog post about it now i'm 5 days in

    In all honestly it IS really hard but i do feel good after doing it. It really helps my husband is doing it as well so we can motivate each other otherwise i would have probably given up by now.

    Good luck!
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    On day 23 today and I'm FINALLY seeing pounds come off. But...since week one inches have just been disappearing! About 11.5 overall on 12 body parts in THREE weeks! I did no exercise besides working 45+ hours a week before starting Insanity and it started pretty rough, but now I'm getting better! I still take breaks and sweat BUCKETS, but it feels so great to get the work out done! As far as nutrition goes...the plan is pretty good, but stick to the calorie goals MFP sets for you, you definitely need them for this workout! Good luck and stay positive! When you feel like screaming at Shaun T, go ahead and scream at him, but keep pushing! If I can do this work out, SO CAN YOU!!! :happy:
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    The first few days are the legs hated me and stairs made them very unhappy. But seriously...get through the first 3 days and your muscles start to actually like it! :wink:
  • Im On day 20 and its brilliant, everythings tightening and im taking less breaks thru the dvds . Go at your own pace and take breaks when you need to , dont try keeping up with Shaun T and the gang even they collapse and take breaks. Its the only at home workout iv found that makes me sweat my bodyweight
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I've just done the fitness test too! I wanted something challenging....think I've found it! Do ping me a friend request if you want to compare notes!
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    I start on Friday (it fits in with my work that way) if anyone wants to join me :)
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    I have completed two rounds of insanity and and lost 60 lbs doing it, it will be the hardest but the most rewarding program you will ever do. I love what the program has done for me that I lowered my high blood pressure, high cholesterol, major depression, and high anxiety. I am starting a challenge group September 2nd if anyone would be interested. I hope all of you get the results you are looking for. Any questions let me know Robert
  • smoothandfast
    smoothandfast Posts: 52 Member
    I have completed two rounds of insanity and and lost 60 lbs doing it, it will be the hardest but the most rewarding program you will ever do. I love what the program has done for me that I lowered my high blood pressure, high cholesterol, major depression, and high anxiety. I am starting a challenge group September 2nd if anyone would be interested. I hope all of you get the results you are looking for. Any questions let me know Robert

    Count me in your challenge. I just finished insanity a couple days ago and was thinking of an insanity/hybrid for next week. What kind of challenge group are you starting?
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    Well it is a challenge group for any form of program you are currently doing. It is to help people stay accountable with their workouts. Get with me and I can explain more if you want. I don't want to get In trouble by saying in a forum. If interested let me know or email me and tell me who you are and that we chatted and I will remember. Hope to hear from you soon. Robert
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi there,

    Thinking seriously about buying Insanity, just was wondering if someone would take a second and let me know a few things..

    1. Is it going to kill me?

    2. 10 discs, 60 days, how does that work?

    3. Do you have to stick to diet plans? With small child that's never ever going to happen.

    4. Do I need any equipment?

    5. How much room do I need, thinking about asking my mum to join me but my living room isn't massive?

    Thank you.. Also if anyone has any results 5ft 2? That would be fab.. :flowerforyou:

    I'm my second round of insanity. 5 2, 43 years old was at 160. Got to 145, second round, i'm starting week 4, almost at 140.

    1. It's going to be hard, but it won't kill you. Keep your form, work as hard as you can, go at your own pace and push yourself. But you don't have to keep up with Shaun T.

    2. There is one set of discs for month 1, a disc for a recovery week, and another set of discs for month 2. As someone mentioned, you get a calendar to tell you which ones to do.

    3. I found that I had much better results when keeping with the diet. I don't mean only eating his recipes - that you don't have to do. I do mean that the 5 smaller meals, 40/40/20 macros and mostly clean eating, heavy on the protein, lower on the processed carbs (white rice, pasta and white bread). (on edit - the diet had me at 1800.. I thought that was a lot. I dropped to 1500 and have had good results there. When you get to month two and the workouts get harder, you might want to play with it and go up a little)l

    4. No equipment - and you don't have to do shakeology or the results and recovery formula or any of their other supplements from beachbody. I use a yoga mat and some wrist support for the moves that involve pushups. I would recommend a good heart rate monitor and a solid pair of cross trainers, as there is a good amount of jumping.

    5. You need to be able to do a plank/pushup and probably walk that pushup one or two to the right or left.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I loved Insanity and Shaun T is definitely a role model for me!

    I actually miss the sweat and intensity of it, so I'm thinking of doing some workouts on random days now. I think I lost more inches than pounds with it, but my endurance and strength increased so much! Just remember that you can modify and take it at your own pace, keep at it and do the best you can! You will definitely notice a difference by the end of the 63 days!

    ps. I'm 5"1 :)
  • Some people like 'insane' routines, and that's fine. I just think that unfortunately, a lot of people think that's necessary for getting a great body in a short amount of time, and it's not true. All the sweat dazzles people into thinking it must be more effective. Not true.
    There are quite a few other programs (l suggest Visual Impact for Women) that aren't easy, and aren't 'insane', and get great results in terms of having a body that performs, looks, and feels the way you want it to.