Starting weight lifting - need some knowledge!

The title says it all really.

I'm really keen on starting weights, I need to tone.
What should I start with? and what weights?

I've tried out some deadlifting, but I struggle lifting 40lbs!

Advice would be much appreciated :)


  • JamesDanek
    JamesDanek Posts: 95 Member
    Hi There

    first off don't say tone... It rubs people up funny on here. :smile:

    "Tone" is the illusion of less fat covering the muscles.

    Right... That out of the way do this.

    Find yourself a program and stick to it. It should be a progressive starter strength affair, the most recommended tend to be starting strength, New rules of lifting for women (NROLFW), or Stronglifts 5X5.

    I did stronglifts myself mainly because the resource was free from the outset. The guy who runs it comes across as a bit of an ar$e but he does know what he is talking about.

    Don't worry that you can only dead 40lb you have to start somewhere, stick with it and you will soon be lifting body weight plus i can assure you

    Have fun in the gym!
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I would recommend New rules for weightlifting like the above poster said.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    'starting strength' and 'new rules of lifting for women' are both great reads.

    i find the starting strength routine simpler for me. Stronglifts 5x5 is a website with a similair programme - if you do sign up for this free routine, be aware they will e-mail you everyday - if you can cope with that its alright :)
  • Download the gymgoal ap and track your progress. James is right, something like stronglifts is a good place to start. Any all body compound lift oriented program will work. Keep it simple.

    Keeping track of your progress is almost a must. You are more likely to fail if you don't do so. Every time you lift your goal should be to either increase the amount of weight or the number of reps from the previous training session. This is why it's important to log everything. Get the works.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    The title says it all really.

    I'm really keen on starting weights, I need to tone.
    What should I start with? and what weights?

    I've tried out some deadlifting, but I struggle lifting 40lbs!

    Advice would be much appreciated :)

    don't worry about only being able to deadlift 40lb. 5x5 and starting strength advise starting with the empty bar (20k) - i couldn't do this and had to work my way up with a broomhandle :S
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Hi There

    first off don't say tone... It rubs people up funny on here. :smile:

    "Tone" is the illusion of less fat covering the muscles.

    Right... That out of the way do this.

    Find yourself a program and stick to it. It should be a progressive starter strength affair, the most recommended tend to be starting strength, New rules of lifting for women (NROLFW), or Stronglifts 5X5.

    I did stronglifts myself mainly because the resource was free from the outset. The guy who runs it comes across as a bit of an ar$e but he does know what he is talking about.

    Don't worry that you can only dead 40lb you have to start somewhere, stick with it and you will soon be lifting body weight plus i can assure you

    Have fun in the gym!

    This . We all started somewhere . don't give up , keep hitting compound movements . Whats your daily net calories?
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Firstly, great that you’ve decided to start lifting! It will completely transform your body if you follow it right, eat enough and log log log everything. What you lift, reps, what you eat, macros etc keep a diary of it all or use the app. I personally log on an excel sheet!

    The 5x5 routine is a great place to start, I’m following that at the moment and have seen some great results.

    I started with pretty low weights, concentrated on getting my form right, then increased each week. Best of luck!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Don't rule out bodyweight exercises as well as weights - both sides have their place.

    Do what you enjoy - that way you'll stick with it.