Good article on Distance Running

I found this article this morning on the side of my blog. Decided to read it and found it basic but interesting none the less. If you are interested in distance running or running in general, give it a read if you like.


  • Nice! Thanks! :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Good stuff.

    That woman run a full marathon in close to what it will take me to do a half!
  • runrgrrl
    runrgrrl Posts: 37 Member
    Great article...sooo true, I know a few of my friends that cant understand why the are perpetually injured...but the marathon takes time to build to and diving in without getting in the mileage is a disaster for injury. I know as the first marathon I ran i only trained for about 8 weeks...not enough time and ended up with a really bad soleus injury.

    thanks for sharing!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you for the article...I am no where near being able to run but I have started. I can jog for 3 mins at a time now. I know that isn't a lot but at least it is a start and now that I am off the couch and at least walking everyday and putting my 3 min jogs in there I would love to be ableto run at least a 1/2 marathon....anyhelp would be great!!!

  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Nice article. Thanks!