is 1500 calories enough to be eating if exercising??

I am 5ft 4, 19 years of age and currently weigh 10 stone 5lbs. I have lost 2 stone using food replacement products, and since coming off that and watching what I eat I am struggling to lose the rest of the weight. I aim to exercise at least 6 times a week, but unsure of how many calories i should be eating to see postive results. can anybody help me?? much appreciated!!


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Put your information into MFP with the appropriate job activity and a .5 or 1 lb loss, whichever is appropriate for the amount you want to lose, and eat that amount. When you exercise log the activity and eat back those calories, or at least part of them.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    For a 19 year old highly unlikely. Most women that age I know are eating closet to 2000 calories.

    What type and how long do you exercise?

    If you exercise for an hour a day 1950 would probably be more appropriate.
  • teekay1893
    I aim to do between 30-60mins a day on the treadmill, or go out for a jog/run! i also aim to do sit ups, squats.

    on the days i do not exercise, would it be ok to eat 1500 calories, but on days i exercise increase my calorie intake??
    its hard to know exactly how many calories i burn through exercise, so eating back calories could be a problem.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I aim to do between 30-60mins a day on the treadmill, or go out for a jog/run! i also aim to do sit ups, squats.

    on the days i do not exercise, would it be ok to eat 1500 calories, but on days i exercise increase my calorie intake??
    its hard to know exactly how many calories i burn through exercise, so eating back calories could be a problem.

    Like someone else said, set your MFP goal to lose 1 lb/week. Eat that on days you don't workout, and one days you do you eat more, enter exercise into MFP and the program will tell you how much to eat.
  • ambickford
    If you're just walking an hour a day, I'd say that's perfectly fine but if you're lifting/doing cardio...I'd up to 1800 to 2000 (maybe more depending on the program/what you're doing). I'm lifting and eat about 2,500 a day (also do HIITS, too) and still losing fat/gaining muscle. Sounds like you're just getting started and that's what I was consuming when I first started losing weight. You may need to increase as you get more active.