What should i do about Soda????

Alright, so here's my horrid situation......June 21...the first day of summer, i signed up for "No Soda Summer" on facebook. I am very proud to say, I have not had soda since. Tomorrow is officially the first day of Autum. So summer is over and I can finally drink soda if i choose. My problem? Not sure if i should go back to that old habit! While i would LOVE to run down to the corner and get a Dt. Rootbeer, maybe i should just stay away and continue my weight loss, Any thoughts?:drinker:


  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I guess it depends on how "addicted" you were to soda before. If you think you can have just one, go for it. It can be like a treat for you. We all have our indulgences. I'm not a big soda person myself. I'll very occasionally have one if we're out to eat.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Alright, so here's my horrid situation......June 21...the first day of summer, i signed up for "No Soda Summer" on facebook. I am very proud to say, I have not had soda since. Tomorrow is officially the first day of Autum. So summer is over and I can finally drink soda if i choose. My problem? Not sure if i should go back to that old habit! While i would LOVE to run down to the corner and get a Dt. Rootbeer, maybe i should just stay away and continue my weight loss, Any thoughts?:drinker:

    There are two pretty divided camps on this. I can see where both sides are coming from. I've experimented with No Soda, and Diet Soda, and I really can't tell the difference with the weight loss given all other factors are the same.

    I drink Dt Mt Dew pretty regularly.

    IMO, if you want a Dt Root Beer go for it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Soda is bad for you even diet. If you have gone this long without I would not get back into the habit.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    Congrats on making it through the summer without soda.

    Why go back??? It has no benefits at all to us. I'm speaking as an ex-addict [12 bottles a day] - don't go back to it. Stick with the water the body needs.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Wow, that's a long time w/out pop. That's my downside is that I drink too much dt Pepsi. Maybe you could treat yourself on the weekend & for the rest of week stay away from it.
  • gupton11
    I haven't had soda in months, and personally have no intentions of drinking it regularly ever again. I personally no longer like the taste of it.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Congrats to you for not drinking soda all summer!

    Hmmm... well, I think you could go either way. You may find that since you haven't been drinking it you don't even want it anymore. I gave it up for a little while... and now I am at the point that I drink it every once in a while but nowhere near as often as I did. And I find it so sweet that I don't drink much even if I do drink it.

    But sometimes it is good to just give in to a craving too... and make it an every once in a while thing (saying this as I am drinking a latte from Starbucks... it is good... but not as good as I had built it up to be after telling myself I had to wait to drink it!) I'm a huge fan of "everything in moderation", so I think it is a success if you can chose whether or not to drink it every once in a while!
  • nataliestout
    I stopped drinking soda a few weeks ago and I've lost 5 pounds since then.. I used to be really addicted, but now I just drink 4 huge glasses of water a day and if I get a soda craving, I have a can in the fridge that I will take a little sip from every now and then, but never the whole thing in one day. Just keep a can or a small bottle in your fridge and do the same, it really worked for me. Also keep a bunch of juice in your fridge too.. Not juice cocktails, because that is pure sugar, but actual juice. Hope this helps. :)
  • angelascott919
    I gave up soda at the beginning of June and I honestly will have to say, I don't miss it at all. I have tasted a couple of sodas since and have found that even the diet is just way to sweet for me, so I went back to my water bottle.

    It is, as others have said, a personal choice. If it is something that you want than go for it. If you want to have it as a treat once in a while, even better.
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I only drink Soda when we go out to eat...before that I drink water, tea, and milk, that's it. NO Soda unless out to eat....going out is a treat so drinking soda will be a treat as well :)
  • rosef17
    I would not have any - I was addicted to soda and gave it up - it has been YEARS since I have had one and do not even think of it anymore, it has been so long since I thought about it. You will get to that point too :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    If you've already purged your system, why go back?!?
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    I haven't had regular soda in about 9 days. Still want it and will go back to it eventually. I've been to countries where the water isn't safe to drink, so soda was your ONLY option, so I got used to it back then and view it as sort of a lifesaving buddy from back in the war. The choice is all yours.
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    If it's something you are craving it would be a mistake to deny yourself completely. It's not reasonable to ignore things that you enjoy. You just need to come to a conclusion that allows you to enjoy it in moderation. Find a balance that works for you. The people that are telling you never to drink pop probably don't enjoy it and so it is easy for them to avoid it completely. I know beer and a plate of nachos isn't good for me, but to say I will never have them again is a recipe for failure. The key to everything (even things that are good for us) is moderation.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Alright, so here's my horrid situation......June 21...the first day of summer, i signed up for "No Soda Summer" on facebook. I am very proud to say, I have not had soda since. Tomorrow is officially the first day of Autum. So summer is over and I can finally drink soda if i choose. My problem? Not sure if i should go back to that old habit! While i would LOVE to run down to the corner and get a Dt. Rootbeer, maybe i should just stay away and continue my weight loss, Any thoughts?:drinker:

    Good for you for giving it up!!!

    And here's some food for thought. If you decided to give it up anyway, then you realize that it is not good for you. Going back to your old habit would be like giving in to something that you know is not good. And you wouldn't start eating pizza everyday would you?

    I don't think you have to cut it out completely, though. I don't. I think that it is a good idea to drink water and lots more water. :) But I also agree that we should never have such a strict plan that anything is cut completely out of it. That's why I always have a cheat meal once a week (not a cheat DAY, but just one MEAL). I eat 5 times a day, so 1 meal out of 35 in a week is not going to halt my progress. Normally with my cheat meal, I have Mello Yello or Coke. I consistently progress towards my goals as well.
  • IceFaith
    Several years ago I decided that I had become addicted to Dr Pepper. So I stopped drinking it cold turkey for about 6 mths. Then I would drink it if I was out to eat. I feel that I'm one of the lucky ones that can drink it or not. i'm fine if I just drink some while I'm out to eat. I rarely have it at home but on the rare occasions that I do, a 6 pack can last for over a month.

    I haven't even drank the diet sodas consistantly. I don't like the taste of them and most still have an aftertaste to me. Someone posted above about the sweet taste and then the body expecting some calories....that makes alot of sense to me.

    I would say that if you want a soda, have them in moderation...just like anything else in your food intake.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Speaking for Myself only, I am SHOCKED at how easy it was for me to drop Soda. I don't crave it and I can NOT imagine going back to it again.
    But, as others have said, if you are craving it, the WORST possible thing is to Deny yourself. Just enjoy it in Moderation.
    Good Luck with either Decision!!
  • littlems
    i don't really drink soda anymore. i had switched to dt. pepsi then the dt decaf pepsi - then just don't drink it at all. but what I do do maybe once a week with the kiddies is have "movie" night - we have popcorn/snack and some soda. this way my kids are not drinking alot of it either. we just by 3 cans - one for me, one for my daughter and one for my son -

    but you will find once you have a soda - you won't really like it anymore even if it is diet. good luck to whatever you decide!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there! I had surgery last December and had to stop drinking soda. A few weeks ago I was on vacation with my niece and decided to get a diet coke with dinner...well...I didn't like it at all! It was so weird to not like the taste. I don't even miss it now. I drink crystal light now.
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    I think everyone has some great points! I was always told if you have drank all your required water for the day then you can "treat" yourself to 1 diet soda.