Please, Help me!

Firstly, sorry for my easy english.

I am 20 years old, male.
I am 111.4 kg and 175 cm height.

I have serious self confidence problems in social life due to my weight i guess.
For example, i dont have even 5 friends in my cell phone at this age. I dont remember when last time i went to outside.. No one said i love you to me in my life never.
I feel big shame due to how i look like. I feel like everybody will reject me and judge me due to how i look, i feel like **** and humiliated seriously.

I wanted to change everything.
In 2010, i did a serious diet with my own mistakes. In months, i become 80 kg from 110 kg but i earned my normal weight after next 1 year. I did very wrong things at that harsh diet; unhealthy drugs, long days without eating only water etc.

Anyway, after i earned my 30 kg back, i went in major depression and i didnt go outside of my home for 1 years. It was like nightmare and i become very silent person after these days. I was feeling big shame, i become freak legend in my highschool years. So i had to complete it from my home.

But, i wanted to attack again and destroy this depression years. I have started to work to university application exams in my country and i did national degree. This year is first year at my faculty. last week of september 2013, will be my first week at there. However, i am still 110 kg... I look like trolls in rpg games, some nights i just cry like an idiot due to my past. It is pathetic and i know it but i cant stop myself anymore.

In last months, i tryed harsh diets again. However, i couldnt do them again. My body gave big reaction and couldnt stay without emergency fast foods.

I guess, i cant lose +10 kg until school start day. So i should stop doing harsh diets and start to more realistic and healthier diet with long time period. I want to be 90 kg at 2014.

I dont know how to cook, i only consume fast foods due to my family's eating habits since my childhood.
However, i need a diet program for my aim. I need someone's help to me.

Can someone make a good program for me? Like eat this at this day and eat this at other day etc.. Diet program.
I could be so happy and my life could become better if i lose my extra weight.

I know it is little bit being spoiled, but i really hate sports.. I only do walking some days, for 45 minutes, except that i just stay at my computer or read books.

Sorry for long text,
Good bye.


  • christianaturner
    Oh NO! Please do not be so hard on yourself! I know that you probably feel like you are alone but you are NOT!!!! You have done the best thing by coming here because this website is filled with all types of people with one thing in common. They are trying to make a change for the better - this includes people that are overweight, underweight, in perfect shape. And they all have insecurities! There are so many convenient diets to follow online - i suggest you choose one that is easy for you. For me i need prepackaged because I do not like to fix meals for myself. Some people like low carb. Some like calorie counting. Take a DEEP BREATH and start focusing on you for a little while. This is about making you happy! You will be amazed how great you feel just when you know you are doing something beneficial for you! It will be tough, I've been fighting to lose 60 pounds for the last 2 years. I am about 15 pounds away. BUT you will get plenty of wonderful moments when you realize why its worth it. Try giving yourself just 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks - that is nothing in the big scheme of things and focus on what is best for you. People already love you but as soon as you can love yourself you will see them more clearly. Best of Luck!