Im new :)

Hi, my name is Chelsey. Im 20 years old and roughly 200 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot, but i really dont look it. However, i feel unhealthy and am very self conscious of myself because of my weight and how i am heavier. At one point I had a healthy lifestyle and exercised almost everyday, even just a little. But within the past 2-3 years, i have been diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome and been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Both have spiraled out of control, along with my healthy living and i put on a good 70 pounds.
I always thought that once i reach my twenties, i will be happier with myself and i would be at the weight i would want to be at, but that is so far from the truth and i am ready to finally buckle down and change this.
I am doing this for myself and no one else. I want to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what i see there.

If anyone wants to be friends, add me and please please please dont be shy about talking to me. I love making new friends, and i think it would be great for everyone to keep each other motivated and be supportive.

So talk to me! :)


  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    Hey Chelsey... Im Joetta.... I too weigh 200 lbs well actually im lil over 200 lbs.. But i read ure message and would love to be friends with you.. ill send you a friend request and feel free to send me one too.. ive been on this site on and off for bout a yr now soo trying to get back into the swing of things.. ive had to recently deal with some female issues which i hope gets better.. well we are all in this together.. sooo im here if u ever need anyone to talk to... i get online bout every day... and usually log my food diaries pretty often... take care and i hope to hear from you soon... :smile:
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    Hi! Added.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Good luck in your journey young lady. Remember that any activity a day is better than nothing and keep moving forward.
  • dreamingdaughter
    dreamingdaughter Posts: 34 Member
    Fellow girly with PCOS here :) I wish you all the best in your journey <3 I'll send you an add :)
  • hi hun!! iv have been on my weight loss journey my whole life.. heaviest beign 203.. i am at about 150 now. would love to stay connected!! :)
  • imjaysgrl
    imjaysgrl Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to the Message Boards as well. My name is Nicole and I've had a weight problem my whole life. I started my journey at 346 lbs. Breaking point for me was when I thought about taking my 5 year old to Disney World and I thought, OMG I can't walk around Disney World at this current weight. So I am on a mission. A mission to be healthy, happy and a new me! I also need the support of friends who will encourage and help me out. So far I've lost 27 lbs. and I'm starting to actually feel good! I hope to make some great friends on these Boards.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey. Sorry to read about all your ailments. You have made the first step and I hope you can get the awesome results you want, so you can be happy again with how you look. I understand not being happy, I was sad for the past few months, finally weight started moving down and looking better in my clothes, still have a ways to go, but I am in a much better place and you will be too

    Good luck :)
  • You can do this. Won't be easy, so take it one day at a time. Feel free to add me as a friend.