Day 1

Well I am here. I am not even sure what to do. I want to lose weight. I hate my life and I hate dealing with some of the people in my life. I am 48 and fat as a house. I have bad knees and I am not sure how to begin to work out without hurting myself. I have come here to see if I can figure out what to do.

Any advice is welcomed!




  • grdone1970
    Hi Bill I'm glad you have come to this site. I started my weight loss journey 19 months ago weighing 317 pounds. I've lost 120 pounds so far. First and foremost you should check with your doctor to be sure you have no underlying health issues first. I started out on an elliptical machine 20 minutes a day and changing my whole diet. Find yourself a copy of the film fat sick and nearly dead by Joe Cross. That's what opened my eyes. good luck and if you have any question's, please email me anytime I would be happy to help you. Michael
  • waricks
    waricks Posts: 3
    Thanks, I will keep your email handy. I have seen the movie and I think it is one of the things that has opened my eyes also. My doctor is wanting me to do this and has given me e green light but says I should do a lot of swimming. That would be great, I love the water but I cannot afford to join a gym at has a pool and there are no other places to go around here.
  • allbomb
    allbomb Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I joined a while ago, but have only been very serious for the past two months. My body was so sore the first month. Take it easy and slow to start and learn to love yourself. I've been doing some guided meditations, and reading a lot about just being present in every moment. It's helping me accept myself and be motivated. You can friend me, too, if you want.
  • waricks
    waricks Posts: 3
    Well Day 1 did not go to well so it will be day 1 again tomorrow.
  • sarasgotthis
    dont discount day 1. Just use it as learning day and start day 2 fresh. Im new too and changing all these things at once is kind of tricky.