Couch to 5k

Hey all!

How do you record the Couch to 5k program on MFP? Just completed Week 1, Day 1 today :)

Any advice would be appreciated!


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you don't have a HRM, I'd record your running bits as one "run" and your walking bits as one "walk" using MFP's estimates based on your pace. If you're outside, you might also consider getting an app like Runtastic or MapMyRun if you have a smart phone and you could use their estimates, although I'd round down a bit, personally.
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    I just finished week 6 yesterday of C25K and I am loving it! I have been tracking mine just like JenMc14 said, I group my running intervals and walking intervals together as one long activity. For the most part my pace is the same, it only varies by seconds for the most part.

    Congrats on starting on C25K, I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.

    Feel free to add me or send me messages on any questions you may have. :smile: