Hate running... but understand why i need too


I detest running to lose weight but I understand why one has too run in order to lose weight.

I play football or soccer to Americans every Thursdays and run constantly for 1 hour without rest. I am able to do this without really losing focus.

Why is it that when it comes to running or jogging in the park I can’t do more than 20 minutes?

Is it due to motivation etc. Does anyone else have the same problem?


  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    I can't run outdoors to save my life,lol. I need the treadmill so I know how fast I am going and how much time I have left. I too detest running/jogging but I get it done in 1 minute running/sprinting intervals with 2 minute walk in between. I do it for a minimum of 30 minutes and then walk fast for the rest of the hour. I also hate running bc I need to wear 2-3 really tight sports bras so things don't move,lol!
    You got this!!!
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    Find an exercise that you love. There is no reason to run to lose weight. none. zero. zilch. Many people do it because it requires no gym membership, no equipment (other than shoes) and no real coaching. It's something you can JUST DO.

    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not on the jogging trail. If you want to lose weight, You can eat 300 fewer calories rather than run 3 miles. It really is that simple.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Why don't you try cycling? Or rowing? Or anything but running?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    I detest running to lose weight but I understand why one has too run in order to lose weight.

    I play football or soccer to Americans every Thursdays and run constantly for 1 hour without rest. I am able to do this without really losing focus.

    Why is it that when it comes to running or jogging in the park I can’t do more than 20 minutes?

    Is it due to motivation etc. Does anyone else have the same problem?

    you don't have to run to lose weight.

    any activity that burns calories is effective.

    i haven't run in more than 10 years. i don't miss the shin splints at all.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I don't run. I won't take the chance of screwing up my knees. I do jog in the pool...that I don't mind. But I do power walking...and I find that is just as beneficial as running.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    My trainer has me running now too!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE RUNNING I HATE IT I HATE IT,,,and her telling me to power thru it is NOT making it better!!! She tried to tell me a murderer was chasing me with a knife--to keep from running I would stop and KILL him!!!
    Yet I go back daily and submit to her torture
    I am SOO weak
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    It's because you don't think of football as work, it's fun and you enjoy it. The more focus and pressure you put on yourself to perform a task that you don't like...the harder it will be. Could you run drills for football rather than running? Try other ways of cardio..you don't HAVE to run to lose weight. You could also swim, or bike ride etc.

    I dance, and same thing. I can have a 5 hour practice and be fine, but the moment I start to run I am dead in 20 min. In the end I have stopped caring so much about the time I run and more just that I get out there and do it. Unless you are wanting to train for a marathon...do 20-30 min cardio and have fun at football practice :)
  • hi,

    Thanks for some great advice. LOL harleygroomer love your trainer motivation speech.

    The simple reason I want to run more is because I want to enter a 5k marathon in January in Manchester, West Midlands.

    I think running is not my thing but I have to try for a solid one month every day and hope I can get to enjoy it more when the weight is less.
  • hi,

    Thanks for some great advice. .

    The simple reason I want to run more is because I want to enter a 5k marathon in January in Manchester, West Midlands.

    I think running is not my thing but I have to try for a solid one month every day and hope I can get to enjoy it more when the weight is less.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member

    Thanks for some great advice. LOL harleygroomer love your trainer motivation speech.

    The simple reason I want to run more is because I want to enter a 5k marathon in January in Manchester, West Midlands.

    I think running is not my thing but I have to try for a solid one month every day and hope I can get to enjoy it more when the weight is less.

    Have you tried doing the Couch to 5K program? You'll probably find the early weeks pretty easy, but it breaks it up into run/walk intervals that keep it more interesting. I started it this spring and ran my first 5K race last weekend.
  • CONGRATS on the 5k.

    I haven't heard of that program but definitely will research it.

  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Interval running is fun, i use to do it to try and beat my records!
    I was a pathetic fat person (gym treadmill) walking at 5.6km/h for a 1 minute interval, then id hike it up to 9km/h for a minute! It was the longest minute of my life.....it did get better and i started to enjoy it! So back and forth up and down, i got up to 10km/h and down to 6km/h. I did this 4-5 times a week. I was doing 2km's in 16 minutes (best time) at an interval run. Then i would go walking and peek that noone was around and I would visually mark out places with my eyes, start on this block of land and run til 5 up from here. So i would do that and challenge myself, further and further! Until someone appeared and there was no way I would run infront of a man...I have breasts, larger ones that go boing and act like they want to knock me out so....ladies section in the gym or stelth mode great outdoors!
    Since then I have had blood clots and it effects my leg, i dont have them any more but it still effects my leg. :sad: I cant run or jog :sad:
  • The best way to get your fitness up outside is by adding good interval sessions into your training routine. Best way that worked for me and got me fit for the Army and was told by an Army PTI was to go to a football pitch and 100% go all out sprinting half a length of the pitch then drop to 30% and jog the width then flat out again on the half length of the pitch. Do that like 5-10 times for a few weeks then go on a steady run your be amazed how fit and longer you can run outside. Good luck in your run :)
  • Hi,

    Bless you. and lol about the breast comment.

    I don't know a lot about blood clot but I hope it works out for you. have you tried other form of exercises such as weight lifting.
  • Hi,

    Mate that sounds amazing will try that on Thursday. In England before a football game we have HIT (High intensity training) which is almost the same but after sprinting we walk the rest of the field.
  • Awesome mate good stuff . Yea its best way to improve fitness. Im from UK England to :)
  • Eastbourne cool mate. Almost on the edge of the UK lol
  • Yea mate pretty much im a stones throw away from the sea lol
  • lol anyways bed time got to wake up early for insanity training chat later
  • I can spend 3 hours at the gym taking killer classes no problem, but I hate running. I sign up for 5k's to keep me motivated to improve my time. And then once a week I take my dog, and he wants to go fast and since he is home all week without me I feel he deserves a good run. The point is find a way to motivate yourself.