ok i need a pep talk

teracallaway Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
so I am pretty new here and so here I am going to vent to strangers. So my life kinda hard right now ( whose isn't right) I'm in the process of moving and the husband is working outta town so he isn't here to help. I have a 1 year old who is teething and missing his dad. Today just been a SUPER rough day. So I think man pizza buffet sounds good and the girls at the place juswt love my little man so we both get a little break. Did I mention I am a stay at home mom? I don't really want ot eat pizza but I need something and so I think to myself maybe I should go get a pack of cigerettes. I don't smoke but it would be better then eating my weight in pizza right? I need a pep talk. Help me get back on track. Thanks for the support.


  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    DON'T GET CIGARETTES! You can go to the pizza place for a break if you need one, maybe there is something other than pizza that you can get?!? Good luck! We all need a little help some times! I have been there!

    Let me know if you need any more pep talks!
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    You don't need pizza....if you really want some go get the stuff to make homemade and healthy low calorie pizza. You certainly don't want a pack of cigarettes. Smoking is very addictive and would be way harder on your body than eating some pizza. When you get bored or cravings you should try going for a walk or run. Jogging strollers are very nice. :) Hope this helps have a good day.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Hi there

    Smoking is not the answer. You don't want your son to be around the smell of smoke.

    Can you take your son out for a walk to a park or to the grocery store and pick out something healthy to make for dinner.

    As for the teething try wetting a washcloth and letting him chew on that.

    Maybe just a change of scenery will be enough to get your mind off of pizza.

    Call your husband if you can and just tell him you needed to hear his voice.

    You can do this.

  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    I had to do a move by myself a couple of years ago, it is very hard but you'll get there. If you do't smoke, don't even think about it. Talk a few minutes break and go outside with you child and enjoy the day. Get a salad at the pizza place and chat with your friends for a while and then you can worry about the move. Take A Break you deserve it.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with a six month old who is teething and I feel your pain, it can get pretty lonely and boring. On those days, it's easy to see food as a kind of escape (or going out for food). Try going for a walk, to the gym or calling up a friend for coffee. Get out of the house and distract, distract, distract. I think you know this already, but cigarettes is not the answer! Don't exchange one bad habit for another!
  • NO CIGARETTES! trust me it's a pain in the butt to quit once you get started and generally will actually make you gain more weight. Definately take a break and get out of the house for a couple hours though, the change of scenery could do you a world of good. Try taking a walk or going to the park or somewhere with a friend if you wanna avoid the pizza place, or you can always still go and just stick with the salad option but either way I think a break for a bit would definately help
  • ssanchez41010
    ssanchez41010 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! My gym partner is a stay at home with a two year old...and her husband is deployed. I know for her she's keeping busy by recently attending school again, and working out with me at least three times a week. I mean if anything, there plenty of site with mommies just like you in your area, that way you can get some type of support group around you to see how they're dealing with overwhelming stress.

    On the other note, SMOKING....I just recently quit smoking 5wks ago....after being a smoker for 7 years. ONE it's unhealthy, and I was constantly sick, especially every time the weather changed, just because it some how lowered my immune system. TWO, was part of the reason I didn't exercise because I was always out of breath. THREE, for the first couple of weeks after quitting, the pds didn't melt off immediately and I was so grouchy all the time. Don't get me wrong I crave it here and there, but for me, it was either, continue smoking as I worked out and loose pds due to eating less and being out of breath every time or quit smoking and have it be difficult in the beginning but be able to really breath later and just be over all healthy. Believe me you don't wanna smoke, just eat the pizza but in moderation, you can do it!!! Oh, chewing gum curves cravings basically the same way a cigarette does. So try that! Hope all works out!
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