A little motivation would be helpful

thxo Posts: 107 Member
Hi everyone! I'm not new to my fitness pal, but unfortunately I have never been able to stick with it long enough to see solid results. I always talk myself out of eating properly and working out.. this is my attempt at getting some encouragement to stay on track. If anyone wants to add me and keep me focused i'd do the same for you and also highly appreciate it!


  • pilot_frost101
    I have the same issue.. I tend to talk myself into 1 cheat day that continues for weeks and im off track again :( I am trying to add friends on here to help me stay focused as well.
  • thxo
    thxo Posts: 107 Member
    I have the same issue.. I tend to talk myself into 1 cheat day that continues for weeks and im off track again :( I am trying to add friends on here to help me stay focused as well.

    I haven't even got far enough to think about cheating. It's like I will eat super healthy every other because I reward myself in between days.. completely defeating the purpose!
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    You're preaching to the choir; before MFP I kept stopping and starting. If you add me, add some of the people on my list too as a lot of them are great at leaving wee comments here and there.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    You have to stop using the word "cheating" because that implies gaining an advantage.

    What you need to start doing is eating in such a way that allows you to indulge in small quantities of the foods you love within your calorie limits. Once foods are no longer forbidden, they become less tempting and destructive. Don't set off on a way of eating you can't (or wouldn't want to) stick with for the rest of your life.
  • thxo
    thxo Posts: 107 Member
    You have to stop using the word "cheating" because that implies gaining an advantage.

    What you need to start doing is eating in such a way that allows you to indulge in small quantities of the foods you love within your calorie limits. Once foods are no longer forbidden, they become less tempting and destructive. Don't set off on a way of eating you can't (or wouldn't want to) stick with for the rest of your life.

    This has been exactly what I was thinking! I don't want to do anything too dramatic because I know as soon as results begin to show I will snap right back into my old routine.
  • Jeannie_Bug
    For me, eating properly is a non-issue... it's not going to happen. I essentially have no willpower at all when it comes to food. So, to lose weight, I have to rely on exercise. I've found that the more fit I become, my eating habits start to change. I will start to just naturally eat less - again, willpower really has nothing to do with it.

    My advice is to stop expecting yourself to have willpower. Not everyone does. And don't expect yourself to be highly motivated to work out. That's another thing that some people never have (including myself.) You have to "Just Do It!" like Nike says. Just make yourself do it. You don't have to like it (but it does make it easier if it is an exercise that you think is fun.)
  • tiffd1000
    I am getting back into using MFP.. I wouldn't mind adding a few extra supportive folks as well... feel free to add me.
  • ashandloggiesmom
    ashandloggiesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Yep, looking for support here, too. My "bad" days tend to turn into weeks, months and then I am back where I started + 10lbs, but I've been consistent here for over a month and I think I have it this time :)