Why do men lose weight faster than women?

jsheets12 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I have been using My fitness pal for 9 weeks now and it has helped me a whole lot! I have lose 9 lbs. My husband started dieting and working out with me about 4 weeks ago and has lost 15lbs. How is this possible. I need a little encuragement.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The quick and simple answer is that men typically have more lean mass and less body fat than women. A woman with 22% body fat is normal and average, a man with that same amount is very overweight.

    That being said, the more muscle you have in your body, the higher your metabolism, and the faster you burn the fat.

    If you want to rev your metabolism and speed up the fat loss, add some weight training to your routine about 3 times a week. Don't do that "lots of reps with low weight" crap, because that is a myth/lie/garbage. :) Lift as heavy as you can to build up your muscle. You will NOT bulk up. You WILL build lean mass which increases your metabolism which burns more fat at rest. :)

    Congrats on losing that 9 pounds, and keep it up!!! You are doing great!!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Men genetically have more muscle than women. Muscle requires more calories to maintain, so since they have more muscle, they also naturally have a higher metabolism.

    So, that begs the questions - are you doing any strength training? Don't worry, you won't "bulk up" - women just don't have enough testosterone for that - but you can do very simple weight training with just an 8-lb. medicine ball or some resistance bands to help tone up your own muscles and rev the metabolism to help speed up your fat loss!

    Ha! Lyadeia and I must have been typing a response to you at the same time! Great minds really do think alike! :laugh:
  • My theory is that it is Testosterone the universal equilizer. Makes us men lose weight faster but also makes us die sooner and makes us perhaps not as bright as women... and not able to handle pain as well as women... lol that is just my theory it is probably wrong but I like it... it makes me chuckle to think of.
  • I always say the same thing. My husband can drop a few pounds like its nothing. It takes me twice as long as him...
    I guess we carry fat all over where they carry it mostly in stomach area seems........ I am not really sure. But anyway you are right .
    good Luck to you losing....
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Men genetically have more muscle than women. Muscle requires more calories to maintain, so since they have more muscle, they also naturally have a higher metabolism.

    So, that begs the questions - are you doing any strength training? Don't worry, you won't "bulk up" - women just don't have enough testosterone for that - but you can do very simple weight training with just an 8-lb. medicine ball or some resistance bands to help tone up your own muscles and rev the metabolism to help speed up your fat loss!

    Ha! Lyadeia and I must have been typing a response to you at the same time! Great minds really do think alike! :laugh:

    :) You read my mind. Haha! Or did I read yours? Either way, we know what we're talking about.
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Thats right! More muscle!! :) Try Chalean extreme will get you some muscle! Changed my body.. and metabolism lol :)
  • One word - UNFAIR! )))
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My theory is that it is Testosterone the universal equilizer. Makes us men lose weight faster but also makes us die sooner and makes us perhaps not as bright as women... and not able to handle pain as well as women... lol that is just my theory it is probably wrong but I like it... it makes me chuckle to think of.

    This is actually correct. I read somewhere that is due to testosterone levels being higher in a man. One suggestion was if you aren't losing weight, to have your levels checked (if you are a woman, that is. Meaning your estrogen could be too high).
  • Thanks guys.... I do at least 3 miles a day on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the thigh machine and usually about 45 reps on my arms with 10lb weights. I tried the insanity dvd's and that guy is the devil... I think he tried to kill me on the first video.:tongue:
  • runrgrrl
    runrgrrl Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks guys.... I do at least 3 miles a day on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the thigh machine and usually about 45 reps on my arms with 10lb weights. I tried the insanity dvd's and that guy is the devil... I think he tried to kill me on the first video.:tongue:

    I completely agree...I am doing the insanity dvd's right now and he truly is the antichrist...i nearly vomit after and during each workout...BUT i am burning in excess of 600 calories in 40 minutes...a price i am willing to pay!!!
  • My theory is that it is Testosterone the universal equilizer. Makes us men lose weight faster but also makes us die sooner and makes us perhaps not as bright as women... and not able to handle pain as well as women... lol that is just my theory it is probably wrong but I like it... it makes me chuckle to think of.

    Ha Ha I love your theory, there is a scientific reason why my fiance can't manage to multi task because he's not as bright as me and why when he cut his finger he reacted like his arm was falling off! very funny!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Thanks guys.... I do at least 3 miles a day on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the thigh machine and usually about 45 reps on my arms with 10lb weights. I tried the insanity dvd's and that guy is the devil... I think he tried to kill me on the first video.:tongue:

    Ya gotta lift heavy weights for low reps to build up your muscle strength! Try weights heavy enough that you can only do 10 to 12 reps. You won't bulk up, but you will firm up and you will fire up your metabolism!
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