Counting calories burned throughout the day?

Quick question for anyone who can help. I wear a fitbit which tracks steps and calories burned. When I try to add this to my exercise tracked for the day, it asks for duration and calories. If I just put in enough minutes to equal the calories burned (because it automatically populates) is that okay? I can't put in 8 hours because it gives me some astronomical number of calories burned! And is this considered an aerobic exercise?


  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Quick question for anyone who can help. I wear a fitbit which tracks steps and calories burned. When I try to add this to my exercise tracked for the day, it asks for duration and calories. If I just put in enough minutes to equal the calories burned (because it automatically populates) is that okay? I can't put in 8 hours because it gives me some astronomical number of calories burned! And is this considered an aerobic exercise?

    No, just link the accounts. Click on Apps, Fitbit, link accounts.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    as previously stated, you don't input any calorie burn for exercise because your Fitbit is tracking it for you so you just link your accounts and voila! If you do want to log the exercise as a record, you just input 1 calorie.
  • Readytotry
    Readytotry Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome! Thank you~ I didn't realize you could do that. :happy:
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wanted to clarify you can add in exercise calories burned on MFP if you know an accurate number. Fitbit will adjust to reflect the new number.

    OP was in reference to calories doing normal activities throughout the day, including BMR, not necessarily exercise calories. Those, you do not enter because MFP already calculates those using your stats and activity level.

    Did I just confuse you more? :wink:
  • Readytotry
    Readytotry Posts: 9 Member
    Yes! LOL! I think linking will be my best bet. :laugh:
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Once I linked the accounts, I set MFP for just over my BMR and let my FitBit adjust for ALL other calories. That way I know for sure I'm getting at least my BMR in calories. I've been at maintenance since June and it's been working fabulously so far with only a 2 pound weight fluctuation up and down.