Dont know What to do?

Hey every one. I'm a 19 year old male,5'9, and around 166 pounds. A couple years ago I went rom 277 pounds to 210 and maintained that weight for about a year. Still feeling unsatisfied with that loss I went from 210 to my current weight. I'm going to be totally honest I lost my weight by starving myself and doing excessive amounts of cardio sometimes 2+ hours.

People say I look good and that I don't need lose anymore weight but I still have lots of fat on my belly and chest. I'm what u would call skinny fat. I was eating maintenance for awhile to reset my metabolism after starving myself. So I was eating like 2400 cals. Since the end of May to now I've been alternating eating 2200 calories on lifting days and 1900~2000 on cardio/offdays.

I've been lifting wince may every MWF and every tuesday,Thursday,Saturday and sometimes Sunday doing cardio. I don't do as much cardio as before. Usually3-4 times a week for like 20-30 mins. Before I did 2+ hours 6-7 days a week with no weights. I've also been eating real clean. My questions is why aren't losing fat? Should I be cutting or bulking? Why I not seeing much fat loss in the last 2.5 months. My lifts are going up and I feel stronger and have more energy but I still have excess fat . Anyhelp/advice is greatly appreciated.

End of may: 2v865g1.jpg

Current: 11jyzvk.jpg


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    End of may: 2v865g1.jpg

    Current: 11jyzvk.jpg

    Fixed images tags - they need to be lowercase. :smile:

    And I'm no expert, but from my own experience and through a lot of reading, a small deficit is best for fat loss. And I haven't run your numbers or anything, but just comparing to myself - I'm a 45 year old, 5'8" chick, and I lose fat while eating around 1900 cals a day - seems like you might need more than me. :wink:

    Have you calculated your TDEE? Great info in this topic right here, and tools and step by step instructions for calculating your numbers and setting macros:
  • salcole42
    Yea I used a calculator my TDEE is 2500
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You need to define your goals.

    Do you want to add more muscle now or do you want to reduce fat now? Trying to find the PERFECT middle ground is possible, but for everyone that doesn't have their numbers down to exact (and by exact I mean medically confirmed and everything weighed precisely etc.), you'll just end up spinning your wheels.

    Sounds to me that right now you want to continue losing fat while preserving muscle you do have and maybe enjoy noob lifting gains.

    So, I would suggest you find your TDEE WITHOUT exercise. So, if you are a student or have a computer job, sedentary would be appropriate. From there, Subtract 500 calories. Then, any time you exercise, you log the burn in MFP and eat back only HALF. So, if you burned 200 calories, eat back only 100.

    Be careful to not over train as well. Exercising 6 to 7 days a week every week may be a bit too much and cause the body to start doing funky things with hormones unless it is a fitness level your body has become used to over the years (such as professional athletes).