
I'm not new to the dieting part of life, but I am relatively new to exercise in general (besides 'no brainer' things like bike riding and walking). I am a recovering couch potato--literally, I get up at 7 am, get the kids ready for school and daycare and out the door at 7:35, drop them off, drive to work, sit at my desk from 8:15-2:30, drive home, get home at 3:00 and sit at the table and do homework with my kids until 4-ish, play cars on the floor with my boys until 5, bring my daughter to dance/gymnastics/whatever activity she has and stand in the window and watch her from 5:30-7:00, cook dinner, sit down and eat, bathe the kids, put them to bed, veg in my recliner until I go to bed at 11. It's sickening and ridiculous. I've managed to squeeze in 30 minutes of biking every day and I'm just starting 30 minutes of aerobics DVDs. Sometimes I do some walking and sometimes I just dance in circles with the kids.

I tried the C25K. I didn't make it through the first day. I tried 30 Day Shred twice, and I didn't make it past the second circuit. My legs were shaking and I was breathless and utterly exhausted. I tried to push through it, but I just couldn't make it. What can I do to build up my stamina? I haven't been active since I was a 12 year old child. Literally--I dropped a history class that I really wanted to take in college because I didn't want to climb 5 flights of stairs to get to the classroom. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 265 pounds and I know I need exercise to shed the weight, but I don't know how to go about I keep going with the C25K and 30DS and just push through until I can complete it? Do I look for something less intense? Is it ok to pause a DVD for a few minutes to catch my breath and get some water? I feel like I'll never get it, especially when I see people saying that both of the above are totally easy for them.

I did the C25K on a treadmill, with 3.0 set as my walking pace and 4.5 as my running, and I was afraid I was going to fall off the treadmill. Should I do it outdoors instead and not worry about actual speed numbers as much as my perception of running and walking?


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    start slow...if you can squeeze in 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill in a day, than start that way...if you've never been active than getting your butt kicked isn't the way to do it...just start moving, pretty soon you'll notice that you're not breathing as heavy...than you can up your incline or walk longer...don't over do it that's how you lose motivation. I sat on the stationary bike for 15 minutes when i first started and i thought i was dying. I'd only go 85km and my heart rate would be through the i go for 45 minutes and i have to peddle 120km in order to get my hear rate to 153bpm. save the shredding and the insanity videos for when you're at a plateau or you need a harder work out...right now just move. if you hate the treadmill try the bike...i personally like the elypticall when i need a butt kicking. right now don't worry about speed, numbers, heartbeat...nothing, just get comfortable moving for a specific amount of time EVERY DAY...i hope that helps, you've reached the first step, and being on MFP will motivate you and give you tons of ideas to try.
  • nursee67
    I agree with gillian...just get moving! Take some of that standing around time to walk around instead. Play marching games with the simple things like jumping...skipping...anything to get the heart rate up. As your stamina increases, you will be able to move more. Keep coming back here for is well worth it in the end.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Don't get discouraged by the DVDs or any other exercise... Of course it takes time to build up your stamina. Just keep trying. I have a friend who is a size 0 that just does one circuit a day because that's all she can do. Don't compare yourself - you'll always compare to someone who can do more, go faster, lose more, whatever. Just do what works for you.

    I would always try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day. So, if you do a DVD and only get through 10 minutes - that's fine. Then go for a 20 minute walk after. You can do it!!!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    The only thing that is going to help your stamina is repetition. The more you work out the more you will be able to work out. Just keep at it. Don't give up. If you want to do the shred videos do em. Just do as much as you can. It's ok to pause for a bit and continue, try not to make it 4 hours or anything, but catching your breathe and getting water for a minute is totally ok. And when you feel like you need to stop, stop. The only thing that matters is that you put it back in the next day. Lather, rinse, and repeat until you too, can say that finishing those videos is totally easy for you.

    Just doing that will get you results, and in time you will begin to see progress in both your weight loss and endurance. But it will take time.

    Personally I'd recommend pushing yourself if you want to see results faster. Don't kill yourself by any means, but when you feel like turning off the DVD make yourself go as hard and as fast as you possibly can for 30 more seconds, and then turn it off. Little things like that make a big difference.
  • skinnyack
    I agree with a lot of the other responses. While we all have physical challenges (stamina, strength, bad knees etc) the mental part of it is sometimes worse. I play the "30 more seconds game" with myself all the time, although sometimes it's 5 more seconds game... but then I've had a whole bunch more times lately where it is the 1 more minute game- and I play that 3 times in a row and then I just tell myself Oh get over it and finish the ten minutes. Your body will catch up in time if you condition it and feed it the right fuel. I'd say whatever your doing- treadmill, eliptical, DVDs or dancing in circles with the kids (this sounds like the most fun!)- just make sure it's at least somewhat fun and don't worry about taking breaks. Also no comparing yourself to others. At 5'2 -4.5 on a treadmill can be a pretty good pace for a recovering couch potato- good for you for challenging yourself! Don't worry- you're doing great! We're all cheering for you!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If you can't get through the whole C25K routine, start with doing some of the runs and walking out the rest. Do week 1 for 4 weeks if you need to. Nobody is grading you on it :) If you can't do everything in the video, do what you can and step-tap through the parts you can't do. Just start where YOU are and push yourself gently.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I am a recovering couch potato as well and just started the C25K. There is NO WAY I could ever do it on a treadmill, my runs become slower the further I get in the routine! Also, I have no intention of finishing it in 9 weeks, my goal is 18 and that even seems fast! Do the best you can and give it your best effort. Eventually you WILL get better, I promise you. I did workout 4 week 1 last night and I was already a minute faster along the same route.

    When you are doing videos, of course it is ok to take a breath and water break. There is no rule that says you have to finish a 60 minute video in 60 minutes. If it takes you 90 minutes to start, thats great. Again, you will get better.

    Good luck and don't give up! Feel free to friend me, we former couch potatoes have to stick together!
  • becka95
    becka95 Posts: 14 Member
    I have the same issue. I used to love to run until I became a smoker. My breathing is so terrible that most of the time I quit because I can't breathe and the rest of the time I quit because I ache. I started yoga. It builds muscles and concentrates on your breathing. I started running (yes running) again and now if I slow down to a walk it's not because I am out of breath, it's becuase my legs are killing me.

    I have also done the couch to 5k but there is a podcast that is just walking. Kind of the same idea but walking at different paces instead of running. Sometimes I find the walking ones work you out more because you get in that "slow burn"

    Keep it up! Don't wear yourself out, any bit of moving will help!:happy:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!!! I tried the '30 seconds more' thing last night and I made it completely through level one of 30DS and today I'm going to re-attempt C25K outdoors where I can jog in whatever speed I am capable of.
  • stringcheeze
    Start with the easy stuff. Park the furthest away possible from the building when you go to work, errands, shopping, etc. I'm not sure how large your office is, but if you have to give a note to someone, hand deliver it instead putting it in interoffice mail. Those extra steps will add up and make the rest easier. Also, keep in mind that sleep is more important than exercise (in my opinion anyway) -- if you're foregoing getting to bed at a decent hour to exercise, don't.