How do you keep the weight off?



  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I stay within 6 pounds of my target.
    I am going on my 2nd year now
    it is hard, but you can do it
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    don't go back to old habits.

    This. You make a life change and stick with it.


    ^^X2 Learn balance - I have a cookie when I want it, but know how much work it takes to burn the calories, or how to plan the next meal to compensate. Stay active. Going into my 7th year!
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    The national weight control registry is a place where people who have successfully lost and maintained weight loss can go to fill out surveys about what they did and how they did it.
    There were a few things they consistently did differently.
    1. They logged what they ate.
    2. They weighed regularly. Not necessarily daily, but at least weekly.
    3. They continued to exercise. The average is 1 hour per day.
    4. They watched less than 10 hours of television a week.
    5. Nearly 80% of the participants eat breakfast.

    Brief synopsis found here:
  • tralst
    tralst Posts: 3 Member
    I think MyFitnessPal is set up to maintain as well. Simply keep current weight and goal weight the same and the calories will be calculated for you. It will probably take a few days to get the calories exactly right. Every night click the 'Complete this Entry' button. It should be very little time to see what you add or subtract from the current calorie goal that informs you that you will not lose or gain any weight over the next 5 weeks. Enter those calories in your Fitness Profile and stick with MyFitnessPal.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    I never thought of it as a 'diet', so never thought about 'things I can't eat while I am on my diet but will enjoy when its finished'! I always had some favourites - pizza, wine, chocolate - so felt no need to binge on them when I reached target. I maintained a target for 2 years (sorry - Slimming World so still think in targets), then lost another stone which I have maintained since January. It's about being mindful of what I eat, and I still weigh in at SW every week to keep me on track.
  • LaColombicana
    LaColombicana Posts: 63 Member
    don't go back to old habits.
    The national weight control registry is a place where people who have successfully lost and maintained weight loss can go to fill out surveys about what they did and how they did it.
    There were a few things they consistently did differently.
    1. They logged what they ate.
    2. They weighed regularly. Not necessarily daily, but at least weekly.
    3. They continued to exercise. The average is 1 hour per day.
    4. They watched less than 10 hours of television a week.
    5. Nearly 80% of the participants eat breakfast.

    Brief synopsis found here:

    I think about this all the time and I completely agree^^^ You must be aware of what you are eating, be aware of your current weight and whether you are trending up or down and continue to be active.