eating more to lose weight? please help!

hi everyone! i'm having a difficult time losing those last 8 lbs that i want to lose.
i have started to work out everyday burning around 500-600 calories. and i normally eat around 800-900 a day.
could this be a problem that i could not be losing any weight?
then comes the weekend and i wanna eat everything in sight. i had sort of an eating disorder which i still fight against everyday
so this is why its harder!
i guess my main question is ...should i eat more to lose these last 8lb!?
thank u sooo much!


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Err...yeah, you're netting like, a couple hundred calories a day. Not good. I would suggest slowly upping your intake, maybe a 100 calories a week, until you get it back up to normal. That or eat back your exercise calories, like MFP suggests.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    NO, Eating 900 calories and burning 600 is a great idea.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Err...yeah, you're netting like, a couple hundred calories a day. Not good. I would suggest slowly upping your intake, maybe a 100 calories a week, until you get it back up to normal. That or eat back your exercise calories, like MFP suggests.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You could work your way up to maintenance calories and then just use your exercise to lose those last 8 lbs, but eating 900 calories a day isn't good.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Double your calorie intake and your body will thank you.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Seriously, slowly increase your calories to MFP suggested maintenance.... your body will love you for it. I was under-eating (nowhere near as low as you) and whenever I accidentally added calories I lost weight because my body felt like it would finally get enough calories.

    Now, I own a bodymedia fit armband, and it allows me to eat 200-1000 EXTRA calories a day compared to what was in MFP without my even going to a gym. Since then, I've lost even more weight, I feel like I have more energy and I lose weight easier/more consistently.

    Eat more, it will take time. Don't just double your intake... just add 100-200 more calories a day for a week, then go again. By the time you actually make it within a few hundred of your maintenance calories, you'll probably lose more if you are burning that many calories working out every day :D
  • nikki4ever
    nikki4ever Posts: 116
  • marcypantz1
    marcypantz1 Posts: 4 Member
    Eating under 1200 calories a day is not a good idea at all. It sends your body into starvation mode, makes your metabolism plummet, and technically it's a crash diet ( which isn't good for you at all in the long run). Slowly up your calories until you get it up to a healthy consumption. If you are trying to lose the weight (and actually keep it off instead of gaining it all back plus 10 when you start eating normally again) keep exercising ( including strength training , muscle = burning more calories) and be patient with yourself. You didn't gain your weight overnight, so don't expect your body to lose it overnight.:smile:
  • dlittlebear
    dlittlebear Posts: 10 Member
    you state during the weekend you want to eat everything in site. I was like that before, I could be good all week at work then at home on the weekend reversed all my positive gains. then I went low carb, I get 20 or less net carbs now per day and all cravings are gone. feels like my will power is so much stronger. I am actively working on intermittent fasting, 5 days on 2 days off. each day on the weekend I get 1 meal of up to 600 calories. IF is not easy one of the harder things I have ever done with my diet, not really hungry but trying to not think about food is then the issue.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You're just not eating enough...your body thinks there's a famine and is trying to keep you alive. Absolutely textbook for what happens if we don't eat enough. You should probably slowly normalize your consumption and THEN worry about losing more...if you actually need to.