new & ready to get back my body!!

Hey guys!

I've used MFP before, but never the community, so bear with me.

2 years ago, I was in the best shape of my life. I had lost a lot of weight and toned everything up after having 2 kids. At 5'3", being at 125 lbs felt AMAZING!

Unfortunately, it didn't stay as planned. February 1st, 2012, my husband and I were in a bad accident. I won't go into great detail, but pretty much some guy high on meth (with no auto ins and suspended license) slammed into us and 2 other vehicles at a red light going 60mph. We were just sitting ducks. After horrible whiplash, concussion, back and spinal injuries, diet and exercise weren't exactly at the top of our list. I'm still not at 100%, constant back spasms and frequent pain make things hard.

Since the accident, I've gained so much weight to where I now refuse to step on the scale. I assume I'm at 180-190. I went from a size 6 to now a 14. I've decided that if I don't start getting on it now, it will only get worse. I want my life and my body back!!! -And I WILL get it back...


  • Hi there -
    I've just joined the site today - Maybe we can motivate each other or commiserate over our back pains :( I was in a car accident in 2010 and broke several vertebrae, along with severe whiplash and a tbi. 1 month prior to the accident, dx with MS - when I think of the shape I was in just 3-4 years ago, I can't believe this body I'm now in is mine. I've put on quite a bit of weight especially around my midscetion - look 7 mos pregnant - unfortunately, some of the medicine I have to keep taking but I want to /need to strenthen my core and add some muscle mass so that I'm not a young 40s in an 80 yo's body!

    I'm so sorry you and your husband were victims to such a horrible accident. I try not to wonder why these things happen but seems theres always some reason I guess. Anyway, as I said, I'm very new (within minutes!) and might be able to relate to some of what you're going through as you work your way back to your fit, pre accident, bod. I don't know how to send a friend request but will try to figure it out -
    take care
  • danamarich
    danamarich Posts: 74 Member

    that's awful! As a believer in "what goes around comes around" that moron will get his/hers.

    But I'm glad that you're ready to get the ball rolling on finding you again :)

    I'm a similar size and goal- started 186 looking to get to 135. (And logging daily as that has been the key to keeping myself honest about food)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • matabill
    matabill Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I'm new to the message boards, but not new to the weight loss yo-yo....