Hey everyone! 25yo w/PCOS



  • stuzzie
    stuzzie Posts: 18 Member
    35 with PCOS add me if you like :-)
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    I am 25 with PCOS as well! I'm struggling big time with the weight loss thing, I go up and down so much but always jump back on the wagon. Anyone can add me. :)
  • Good luck!
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    That is true, about doctors not understanding the condition. I was told at 18, "welp, here's some birth control...good luck!" I have moved and seen a few more doctors since then. One gave me a cocktail of spiro, metformin, and Yaz...which I found out is VERY dangerous. But three gyno's and an endocrinologist all told me the same thing- it's impossible to lose weight with PCOS, but if you do, it (PCOS) will be practically nonexistent.
    I took myself off of the BC and spironolactone, and stayed away from Metformin after taking it for months and being so tired I couldn't function. But earlier this year, I lost about 25lbs in 2 1/2 months going low-carb and going to the gym everyday, and my cycle came back on its own...on time every month, three months straight. In the past, I was lucky to get that even on birth control! But 4 or 5 vacations after that, I'm back where I started :(
    But I am determined!!!
    The funny thing is, my weight's not distributed evenly. I have the IR tummy and huuuge boobs. That's it...tiny legs, tiny arms. My "skinny" friends tell me they are jealous of my legs haha

    Dont give up! its not impossible! Yes it a constant battle, but its mainly with yourself. Keeping your cravings under control is hard, but there is a lot you can do to help. I have to keep all junk food out of my home, desk, reach, because i can't be trusted not to binge on it and I have to work out practically every day but it is worth it. i'm the same as you, my tummy gets big the rest stays small. So I minimize the amount of bread I eat and I drink TONS of water which seems to help a lot. I take BC for the hormone therapy but thats about it for medication. I honestly think this is a condition that can be managed with a good diet and exercise.

    Just keep trying...its much easier to get this under control while you're young. :smile:

    I'm also wondering if any of you ladies that are trying to get pregnant have looked into IUI? We will be undergoing rounds of IUI this summer after our wedding and it seems affordable and my doctor thinks we have a good chance of getting pregnant with it.
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    I am 25 and I have PCOS. I have gone from 182 to 152. It has taken me almost 2 years, but slow and steady wins the race. I don't take metformin or any other "drugs" because I cant picture spending the rest of my life depending on a medication. However, about 2 months ago my boss introduced me to Bragss Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Some swear by it and some swear its a hoax. It cost $5 so I was willing to give it a go. I take 2 tsp just before breakfast, lunch, and diner. I have lost 10 of the 30 lbs in the last 2 months since taking it without any additional changes to my diet. The greatest and possibly most random thing that has happened to me is that since I have been taking the apple cider vinegar, I have only had 2 cysts to rupture in the last 2 months vs about 2 per week prior to taking it. That alone has kept me wanting to take it. It works for me, I cant speak for anyone else but I definitely say its worth a try.
  • caitlyn012284
    caitlyn012284 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 29 and also have PCOS. I've been lucky enough to have no issues when it comes to having children (2 boys) but I've been battling weight gain my whole life. Losing it slowly now, hopefully slow and steady will keep it off. I'm adding you! :)
  • filicia1025
    filicia1025 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 29 and have PCOS too. I was using birth control pills and I gained like A LOT!
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    26 scientist with PCOS -- I've knocked just about every symptom now between hormone replacement (ie birth control pills), diet, and exercise. I'm not a doctor, but let me know if you have any questions!
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I am 25 and I have PCOS. I have gone from 182 to 152. It has taken me almost 2 years, but slow and steady wins the race. I don't take metformin or any other "drugs" because I cant picture spending the rest of my life depending on a medication. However, about 2 months ago my boss introduced me to Bragss Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Some swear by it and some swear its a hoax. It cost $5 so I was willing to give it a go. I take 2 tsp just before breakfast, lunch, and diner. I have lost 10 of the 30 lbs in the last 2 months since taking it without any additional changes to my diet. The greatest and possibly most random thing that has happened to me is that since I have been taking the apple cider vinegar, I have only had 2 cysts to rupture in the last 2 months vs about 2 per week prior to taking it. That alone has kept me wanting to take it. It works for me, I cant speak for anyone else but I definitely say its worth a try.

    How does it taste?
  • waterlily72
    waterlily72 Posts: 14 Member
    I also have it! Definitely makes losing weight a challenge! Feel free to add me.
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the all the adds ;)
    It's kinda cool actually, to find people who suffer with it also. I swear that I have only ever talked with one girl who also had it in my real life. Everyone else has never heard of it, nor do they care. I suppose it's because they don't understand or they think it's just a "cop out" for me being chubby
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    And actually, I usually am not explaining why I'm fat, but why I have to shave everyday like a dude haha