I just want to vent



  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    This sounds like a total over-reaction, are you a daily weigher by any chance ? If yes then why, you're going to have fluctuations which usually level themselves out during the week, if you continue to weigh daily then just know that there will be days that you gain.

    Could be water weight, could be muscle gain. Just get back to your routine and I'm sure it'll all work out fine.

    ^^^ THIS!
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    Everything they have said...totally agree with...only weigh once a week..you will drive yourself crazy otherwise. :smile:
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Perfectly normal. If it causes this much anxiety maybe weigh once a week? You've done well and there are all sorts of reasons for fluctuations...as others have mentioned. To get so upset can be counterproductive and some people just shouldn't weigh so often.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Can't see your diary but see that you posted on the 18th that you ate 15 oz of meatloaf. Could be it was loaded with salt? Don't know I don't care for meatloaf and don't see how anyone can eat almost a pound of it ... but what else did you have with it that could possibly been loaded with salt? And since that was on the 18th it could be that its showing up now as true weight gain. Couldn't say really since we can't see your diary and how much you actually eat.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    I weigh myself every day just to see the fluctuation and to deal with it. I was more stressed when I only weighed myself once a week -- what if the weigh in day was an up day -- how would I know?

    I know that my weight can fluctuate 2 pounds each day based on my sodium consumption. It is not that I ate 7,000 extra calories to really gain 2 pounds -- it is fluid retention. It almost always goes away the next day if I resume normal sodium consumption and water drinking!!

    I wouldn't worry about what the scale says if you are doing what you know is the right stuff.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    it will balance out.....sometimes I weigh more after peeing LOL not sure how that works either....but the true picture is once a week. I weigh daily....but I look at the Monday weigh in as the true picture
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
  • katandpiper
    You took the words right out of my mouth...."I just want to vent". Sometimes I want to throw things too!:laugh:
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    Can't see your diary but see that you posted on the 18th that you ate 15 oz of meatloaf. Could be it was loaded with salt? Don't know I don't care for meatloaf and don't see how anyone can eat almost a pound of it ... but what else did you have with it that could possibly been loaded with salt? And since that was on the 18th it could be that its showing up now as true weight gain. Couldn't say really since we can't see your diary and how much you actually eat.

    I would gain 5 pounds from eating 15oz of meatloaf. Consider yourself lucky.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Its called water. Happens to me all the time, especially if I have a long hard workout the evening before. Give it a couple days and your body will shed it.
  • mandles82
    Rant away!! I've been doing it more lately and you know what I've noticed? Instead of keeping it all in and gorging myself on bad food, I let it out, have people tell me it's not the end of the world and then I feel better :) Keep on ranting! And don't be discouraged!
  • OMGitsaLisa
    Calm yourself, madam. Micromanaging your weight is a fantastic way to drive yourself crazy. You are going to have to learn to stop worrying about it on a day to day basis, especially if you have a lot to lose. I've lost 70 pounds so far with another 70ish to go. Some weeks I'll seemingly gain a pound or two even when I've been really good on my diet, then stay there until miraculously, two or three weeks later, I'll drop 3 or 4 pounds almost all at once. You can't sweat the day to day changes like this or you'll burn yourself out and fast.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I thought the initial post was a joke...ranting at all of the posts about intraday fluctuations...

  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Focus on the bigger picture; you didn't really gain 1.6 lbs overnight...weight fluctuations are normal.

    I would avoid weighing myself at night, and what's more, I wouldn't weigh myself daily. Cut it down to once a week if you can, 2-3 if you must until you can work your way up to weighing in once a week.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    Water weights 8.34 pounds per gallons, and you should be drinking at least half a gallon a day. If 4 pounds goes in, and four pounds doesn't go out you'll be heavier. That doesn't mean you're fatter, you're just heavier.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    This was the best post i ever read!!!!! LOL My scale goes more than 1.6 between the time i get up in the morning and after my shower. I consciously choose to weigh myself obsessively. And I also know it fluctuates. Usually will only log my weight into mfp once a week. But the scale goes all crazy ups and downs. You should know this after such an incredible loss anyhow. LOL.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member

    I freaking gained a pound in a half WTF!
    I don't even know where the heck this came from last night i stepped on the scale around 10ish and was a little heavier then I should have been and was thinking ok its because i ate a late dinner as i did not get to eat til almost 8 but even then i was thinking it was a little higher then normal

    and i wake up this morning and i had gained 1.6 lbs from yesterday its like WTF
    Yesterday I only went over my calories by 35 calories that is so its definantly not a big deal considering i did my c25k program last night which i burned roughly 150ish calories according to mfp so for that little of a burn i should have not had to eat extra

    seriously i am ticked off about this right now i mean i know it will go away but u know if i have a cheat day or if i go OVER my calories i can understand gaining weight and i will accept it but to actually have a normal day and freaking gain that much weight ticks me the freak off


    You need to stop weighing yourself daily as my interpretation of your post is that you've become obsessed with it which can be a huge problem!!!

    As a female you can gain upwards of 10lbs due to your menstrual cycle