Can't get back into it.....need help

Hi everyone. I joined MFP back in June and was doing real good until I went on vacation at the end of July. I tried real hard while away to eat good, stay away from the fatty fried foods and I think I did pretty good but still managed to gain 6 lbs. I was really upset because I just didn't feel like I ate in such a way to gain so much. I did think that some was water weight as I felt like I was retaining fluid and 2 lbs came off rather quickly. But I was so upset about the other 4 that I just gave up. I felt like if I actually ate normal, I gain weight. So I've been trying to get back into the counting calories and such but am just having a very hard time. Have any of you been through this and how did you get back into it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I am in the exaxct same boat with you. Doing great until vacation starting in July. Now 17 lbs up. Only thing we can do is get serius again. Let's Do It!!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Leave the past in the past, and keep it moving! The same thing has happened to me MANY times...

    There's no day to get serious again like today... :-)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Same here. Vacation (heavy walking tours 15 days) I still gained a net 4 pounds. When I came back I had issues with not thinking was still on vacation. And I seemed to stall. I threw myself into some hard cardio and strength training and after about 90 days of being back from vacation I can report that I have lost the 4 pounds and another 4.

    Don't give up, just remember where you are headed. We are here but you are the only one who can keep making it happen.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    One of the things that I have had to remind myself of a thousand times is that eating "normal" isn't what is supposed to be normal for our bodies. The "normal" portion sizes etc we are accustomed to are actually huge etc. The fried foods we love were never intended to be staples in our diets etc. So while we are all learning what the new normal should be it feels an awful lot we are eating in an odd unnatural way...but we are doing what was supposed to be normal. Does that make sense?

    Make small changes while getting yourself into the swing. Start with one thing, maybe ditch pop in favor of water, then readjust your breakfast for a while. Make little changes until your motivation returns.
  • snoopypet
    Thank you so much. I think you're right in that I was trying to start where I left off and that's been just too difficult. Starting today while I'm still 4 lbs under my original weight. I'm not expecting myself to enter everything I eat but I think I'll start with the ones that are easy, that I've already figured out calories. Perhaps forget about the other elements as well for now like sodium, chol, fats, etc. Thanks. I feel now that I have a place to start that is doable. Watch out world, here I come!