3 Day Diet/Military Diet



  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I am sad to admit I did try this as well. But for ONLY the 3 days because all the side effects you described I had. Despite all that, I only lost 4 lbs.

    People want to think they're gonna have different results than EVERYONE else.. I had that same mentality with the 1,200/day routine.. It all ends up the same unfortunately..
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    People want to believe in the magic cure so badly. :frown:


    Women chat about these kind of diets all day long at work. It's annoying.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    and why is it called the "military diet?"

    ETA : I'm assuming it's called this because in basic we really didn't eat that much (or were given time to eat...I recall having 45 seconds to a minute for lunch LOL)....and then PT our a$$es off..
    Because the ones that cant meet their weight requirements do this to drop weight fast.
  • ArubyC
    ArubyC Posts: 1
    I couldn't help but read all these comments. The military diet is not dangerous if you are wise about your choices. This diet was intended for men and women who were/are over weight and wanted to join the army, military, navy etc. It was not intended for "regular folk" seeking to lose weight just because they "feel" fat. It is also not recommended if the person is trying to lose more than 40 pounds as it does not work that way. As i said it is mainly for those who want to join a U.S. force but are over weight.:drinker:
  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds a bit similar to the hCG Diet and I fell for that one. Yes, you lose weight but you also lose your health! A lot of side effects may not even show up for years but you are damaging your internal organs.

    Former Army gal here and this, as most of you know, is not a military diet nor would they ever recommend this to get into the military. This would do so much damage to your metabolism as well.

    Another scam and desperate people fall for it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    tell them its also called the unicorn and fairy diet in Asia...
  • tkaselj
    tkaselj Posts: 1
    I just recently did this diet and consider myself a very fit woman. I work out 5-6 days a week and eat healthy. It is not dangerous to do for three days. I did it before I went on vacation to ensure that I looked great in my bikini. I am a very healthy person who eats well. I had plenty of energy for the three days, and I do believe in intermittent fasting. I wouldn't do it long term but it also kept my appetite down so I didn't overeat on my vacation. Some people believe in calorie restriction as a way of prolonging life. The diet includes grapefruit, eggs and bananas which are foods I eat on a daily basis anyway. For the long term it isn't something I would promote but for a quick slim down I would do it again. Even though it is water loss, I know I looked great for my trip and kept the weight off because I went back to eating reasonably. Many people will binge for three days or more and that will do much more damage to your health than a few days of light eating.
  • I am an active woman who eats healthy and maintains a healthy weight. I have done this diet and see nothing wrong with it. There are so many nutritional styles out there that promote balance and that is just what this does. "French Women Don't Get Fat" talks about enjoying good food and good wine, but balancing every few days with a meager diet. This is almost identical. Actually the military diet recommends the 'Mediterranean Diet" as a healthy way to eat on the four days off the diet.
    The diet itself is simple and perfect. It trains not just metabolism but your willpower. It is almost like an intermittent fast which people have been doing to clear their bodies and minds since the beginning of time.
    It's not a scam, it costs next to nothing, I find it easy, there ARE substitutions (I use nitrate free turkey franks instead of the hot dogs), high water consumption is encouraged, alcohol and artificial sweeteners are forbidden, there are no shakes or meal "supplements", and you lose weight!
    If nothing else, it is a nice jump start to motivate you into healthier everyday nutrition because it's nice to see a few pounds come off to get you started.
    I have never felt irritable, head-achy, light headed, or any of the above on the diet. Those who do feel those things should listen to their bodies instead of complaining that the diet is not healthy. Any change that brings on those types of symptoms usually means that the body is toxin dependent and when it doesn't get it's daily dose of whatever the suspects may be: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, GMOs, saturated fats...then it reacts. So if you have those symptoms, look within. Don't blame the diet. If you did a fast you'd feel 10 times worse. But it would only get better in the long run!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    " It trains not just metabolism"

    No it doesn't.
  • I tried this diet 3 years ago along with a prescription of phentermine (to control my appetite). I tried this diet for a month. My starting weight wa 196 and my ending weight was 174. I adjusted my stomach to eating small meals. You can not do this diet and say hey I'm going to pig out on my four days I can eat what I want. I kept my weight around the 170's for year. Then I started overeating again and I'm in the 180's now. I just started this diet Sunday again at 184. I never lost 10 ponds a week bit I lost anywhere from 3 yo 7 lbs a week.
  • Ps. You can't pig out after you quit the diet either. You have to eat responsible.
  • I just started this diet yesterday. Already I feel great!! No headaches nothing. I work in an office all day and take care of my toddler the other part of the day. SO i admit to overeating in my lifestyle. I start school next week and am taking 2 PE courses 2 times a week and i choose this diet to help start a new healthier me. It definitly helps with already having the healthy grocery items that i dont usually have in my kitchen. I wouldnt recommend this diet if you have bad selfcontrol. :D
  • frankara
    frankara Posts: 9 Member
    Why does it feel like that last couple of post were trolls
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    And that is the reason why Diet Pill's sell.. people are told they don't work, yet they still dish out $40 a month to try these pills just because someone said they work.. People want fast and quick results with little to no work...
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    GMO's are not toxins.
  • lebitt01
    lebitt01 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same way, I work out daily and eat right, around 1200 calories. I dont see anything wrong with this diet, i dont feel like im starving at the end of the day. I feel "just right" with my meals that they offer on the 3 day diet, then for the other days just continue to watch what you eat. This diet and jogging helped my mom lose 30 or 40 lbs (cant remember the exact number), and shes kept it off for 2 years so far.
  • AsianBarbie345
    AsianBarbie345 Posts: 2 Member
    My fourth day on this diet. I only lost 4 pounds. I was a bit disappointed at first but then again I had to be realistic, for 3 days, 4 pounds ain't so bad. A good reminder too that losing weight ain't easy. Even if the menu is so basic, still got to put more effort in it. Definitely recommending this diet. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    My fourth day on this diet. I only lost 4 pounds. I was a bit disappointed at first but then again I had to be realistic, for 3 days, 4 pounds ain't so bad. A good reminder too that losing weight ain't easy. Even if the menu is so basic, still got to put more effort in it. Definitely recommending this diet. :smile: :smile: :smile:

    There isn't a fourth day to this diet. After day 3 you go back to normal.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    I have done this diet and sorry to burst your bubble OP, but it does work if you follow it correctly. You may only be eating 800-1000 calories a day, but your only doing it 3 days out of the week. The other 4 days your supposed to eat 2000. It does work, and the best part is its easy to follow and is cheap.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Hi. So check out my profile pic. I know I'm not even close to the fittest guy on here but I'm not too shabby. The 3 day military diet was a tool in my toolbox I would use once or twice a month max when I had much more weight to loose.

    It does work but you have to REALLY understand what it is. It is not a lifestyle change. It was never meant to be. It is not sustainable BUT it was not designed to be sustainable. It is just a quick sprint diet that if you have enough discipline to do can give you wonderful results.

    It does work. It actually works very well BUT you won't nail down the very high number people claim it for.

    Each time I've done it I will drop down 6-8 lbs by day 3. Day 4 you will gain a few pounds back. It is very low sodium so there is a good majority of water weight loss/gain on it.


    If you net a loss of 3-4 pounds for a week and keep it off AFTER the fluctuations then that's pretty freaking amazing.

    Couple of tips if you do it.
    1. Stay hydrated during and after. Drink water constantly. It will help with hunger you will feel by end of day 2 and starting day 3.

    2. The day you come off. DO NOT BINGE EAT. You will want to because by day 3 your really gonna want to eat whatever and the scale will tell you that you can. Most of the weight you lost is water and when you re-hydrate your net loss will come back down. If you blow your calories like crazy then you start to undo the real results you achieved. Go back to your normal deficit with healthy food. You will actually feel fuller than usual, just don't fill it with crap foods. JUST DO NOT BINGE EAT WHEN YOU COME OFF IT.

    3. Don't do it every week. It is just not healthy for you to do it like that and you will see your results diminish if you keep hitting it back to back like that. Maybe do it twice a month max with spacing a week in there.

    4. Do not use substitutions. Stick to the food exactly. Even if you hate it. It's only 3 days. Deal with it.

    5. Don't expect to loose 8-10 lbs. You may initially loose that amount (realistically you will probably drop 4-6) Once you re-hydrate you will put half that loss back on easily. At the end of the day if you only keep half that initial loss then well...that's equivalent to what most people accomplish in a 3-4 week time span.

    6. Don't expect big results when you start hitting lower body fat percentages...the bigger you are the more net results you will see.

    7. Don't forget to come back to this thread and throw a middle finger up to all those talking crap about it.