Who's losing weight and eating carbs?



  • ValerieJean
    ValerieJean Posts: 35 Member
    I eat carbs and have lost 23 lbs so far. I run 3-4 days a week, I lift heavy 2-3 days per week. Honestly, I don't really even pay any attention to my carb intake. Now, I'm not saying I eat rice and pasta with every meal, or even every day, but I eat what I feel like. I try to keep then in the form of whole grains or fruit.

    I don't deprive myself of anything, ever. As long as I'm doing my workouts and staying within my calorie goals I have what I like. I have done to many "diets" that don't allow one thing or another and I always revert back to eating like crap because I'm restricting things. If I want something I eat it...in moderation and I don't beat myself up about it and i move on.

    That's what works for me. You just ahve to fine what works for you and something you will be able to maintain long term and life long.

    same here. I don't deprive myself anything as long as i am under calorie goal. But i also try to make sure that the carb is the smallest portion on my plate, smaller than the veggies or protein.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I lost all my weight while eating 50% + of my diet in carbs. Currently cutting right now at 300g + carbs a day.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I've never met a carb I didn't like.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there isn't a reason to restrict.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs
    I beg to differ. Carbs killed my cat.
    Cats are "obligate carnivores." They are not able to digest carbs very well. Yes, too many carbs can cause all kinds of problems for cats. In particular, they can develop "mega colon" which means their large intestine stretches out and stops working very well. We have a cat with this condition that we took in when he was well along in years. He probably had a mostly dry-food diet in his youth and most of the dry foods are pretty high carb. So, if you have a constipated cat, unlike a constipated human, he does not need more fiber but instead no fiber or as little as possible. Although previously people used things like canned pumpkin to help a cat go, this is no longer recommended.
  • I literally want to yank the hair out of my head when someone cuts all their carbs out. Your body needs those (especially if you are doing any kind of activity throughout the day!!). If you try cutting out carbs and compensating with protein... your body will breakdown that protein and use it as fuel (like it would with carbs, but it is much harder for your body to use). Anyway... off my soapbox.

    Your best bet is just using the macronutrient pie chart on your homepage to see where youre at for the day. You can also find a breakdown of how many "carb calories" you should have in your reports on here.

    Hope this helps!! :)
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs

    I beg to differ. Carbs killed my cat.
    LOL! Also don't try to turn your cat into a vegan. They really hate that :)

    I try to keep mine between 100 and 150g's a day, but I don't stress if I'm over or under. I mostly avoid wheat (although today I had lasagne which was yum).
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Nothing wrong with carbs
    I beg to differ. Carbs killed my cat.
    Cats are "obligate carnivores." They are not able to digest carbs very well. Yes, too many carbs can cause all kinds of problems for cats. In particular, they can develop "mega colon" which means their large intestine stretches out and stops working very well. We have a cat with this condition that we took in when he was well along in years. He probably had a mostly dry-food diet in his youth and most of the dry foods are pretty high carb. So, if you have a constipated cat, unlike a constipated human, he does not need more fiber but instead no fiber or as little as possible. Although previously people used things like canned pumpkin to help a cat go, this is no longer recommended.


    I figured that the person posting the "carbs killed my cat!" thing was making a joke. But I couldln't help but think, "You know, carbs can kill a cat."

    Cats are carnivores. They cannot be turned into vegetarians. It is deliterious to their health. No joke. DO NOT DO IT.

    If you want a vegetarian pet, get a sugar glider (and even then, they still need protein).

    BTW, this doesn't have anything to do with people, who are omnivores.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I eat whole wheat bread probably every day and whole wheat pasta a few times a month. It's all about moderation.
  • lynnerack
    lynnerack Posts: 158 Member
    I eat carbs, in fact I eat whatever I want 5 days a week as I'm on the 5:2 diet, which in my opinion is the best thing since sliced bread - oops is that a carb!!
  • Actually you can die if you don't eat enough protein and fat. The body requires no carbs to live. Processed food is junk. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are how I get carbs.

    These kind of posts are such an issue on here. People come to these boards for help, if you dont have legit information, dont respond.

    I agree that processed food does nothing good for your body and whole grains are totally the way to go. But your body will not survive without carbs....
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I've never met a carb I didn't like.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there isn't a reason to restrict.

  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Limiting carbs never worked for me. I lost 66 pounds - while continuing to get 50-60% of my calories from carbs (including simple carbs - like pasta, white rice, sugar, etc).

    I've continued to eat in this fashion and have easily maintained my weight loss for about 20 months now.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I eat 130-250 grams of carbs a day. My workouts involve hardly any cardio, and lots of weight lifting. Carbs are my fave!!
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Nothing wrong with carbs

    I beg to differ. Carbs killed my cat.

    Carbs broke in my house and stole my flat screen for meth money.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I beg to differ. Carbs killed my cat.
    Cats are "obligate carnivores." They are not able to digest carbs very well. Yes, too many carbs can cause all kinds of problems for cats. In particular, they can develop "mega colon" which means their large intestine stretches out and stops working very well. We have a cat with this condition that we took in when he was well along in years. He probably had a mostly dry-food diet in his youth and most of the dry foods are pretty high carb. So, if you have a constipated cat, unlike a constipated human, he does not need more fiber but instead no fiber or as little as possible. Although previously people used things like canned pumpkin to help a cat go, this is no longer recommended.

    OK...that is scary to hear! I have a fat cat who is always getting into carb things, tortillas, bread, pretzels, chips, it drives me nuts! I try to hide it as much as possible but now the carbaholic cat has learned to open the pantry door so I need to buy kid locks for it. Yikes!!

    Ummm to the OP I eat tons of carbs, I don't think it makes that much of a difference overall and they are tasty. I am trying to get more protein in my diet now that I have started tracking it and doing strength training but carbs are a very good thing!
  • I've lost 46lbs so far and have not cut carbs or anything else out of my diet. Everything in moderation! :wink:
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    i usually eat whatever I want. Just portion control! I know how many calories I need a day and get in some exercise. This is a lifestyle change not a race. I will however say I have done no carbs once in this 6 months to reset my body. Did for 2 weeks. It does work great but I cannot say I would be able to do it forever.
  • tomjmul
    tomjmul Posts: 8 Member
    I never once counted carbs specifically and have lost 52lb since the beginning of May. To my simple mind, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie and a deficit of 3,500 calories is roughly equal to 1lb weight loss.
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I eat bread, cookies, cake, pasta, rice, did I mention cookies?, and it hasn't hindered my weight loss one bit. I put my macros at 40/30/30 and just eat what I feel like. I only try not to go over my limit of 1600-1800 cals a day. If I do, no biggie, there's always tomorrow.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    I think you need to find what works for your body. Each person is different and our bodies seem to react different. I try to stay far away from white pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, and white sugar. As when I ate those I tend to go now where with weight loss. But I do feel that if you are a heavy exerciser you do need more carbs then a light exerciser. But thats just my opinion. My weight came off by elminating the processed carbs. I hope you find what works for you :)