4th week slump - HELP!

Hello all. I am in my 4th week of exercising everyday and eating within my calorie range, and the scale is definitely moving in the right direction, but it feels like my motivation and momentum is diminishing. Although the scale is changing, and my measurements are going down, I still don't SEE any changes. I know that it takes a while to notice anything, but in this middle time, how do you get through it? Has anyone gone through this before? If so, how do you get through it without giving up? Any advice would be great, because all I want to do is go eat a big piece of cheddar cheese and a whole bunch of pasta! ahh!


  • elaanne
    elaanne Posts: 35
    In my efforts to stay motivated, I have done the following things, and found that they've helped:
    - Keep a list every day of 5 general things that I'm grateful for.
    - Keep a list every day of 3 successes I've had (this has been challenging, but it includes things like "I've added radishes to my diet!" and "I can do 20 pushups from my toes" etc.).
    - Reward small milestones (5 lbs down, an inch off my waist, etc.) with small tokens - new nail polish, a new magazine, a long bath, a new belt buckle, etc.
    - Talk to my husband and friends and ask for encouragement.

    Good luck! You can do it!