Anyone else gotten grief for losing weight?



  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    Bad friends are like bad food, you don't have to cut them out completely, but make the dose you have of them alot less :flowerforyou:
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Not too much. I was told I didn't need to lose anymore, which was true, but I explained I was having trouble figuring out how much too eat. To roughly maintain , my work day calories are around 3000 . So yeah, more than most. On Friday a lady actually noticed lol. Yes, I have only been losing since January. Lol. She agreed she isn't that observant haha. She had however noticed, what I eat and that I am not starving myself.

    My also said 'you might need to start eating more normally for a while' . Again he doesn't see me eat, so doesn't know, but was happy with what I told him I eat. The last time I was at my parents, he picked me a heap of fresh lettuce and baby spinach (we can't grow much at our flat) and a dozen eggs. I thought that was pretty kind.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Just today, my father in law's cousin came by to visit. (Random, we hardly see them). He said it looked like I lost 50 lb. I told him I definitely hadn't lost that much, but have been eating healthier. He said "why do you want to lose weight for? You looked fine before, are you gonna look for a new man now?"

    Um, no. I like the man I have just fine, I definitely think I'll keep him. But there's nothing wrong with being the best me I can be.
  • Tommeedarko
    Tommeedarko Posts: 3 Member
    I havent had a lot of negativity, but it is difficult when you are told to take a break. It always feels like any direction then weight loss is the wrong direction. I just figure, that i am doing this to better my health and live long enough to see my kids get old. I guess deep down inside, i just laugh a little, and let them say what they want.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    Most of my friends have been ultra supportive. My boyfriend, on the other hand, has shown a fondness for bigger women, bigger than me! Ugh.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I just get things like 'Go on, have some cake! Your wedding is ages away!'

    I'm not losing weight for my wedding >:(
  • maria_b22
    Yes, mostly from my aunt! 'oh we won't recognise you at this rate' and 'don't go losing anymore or you'll look ill' - I still have at least another stone/stone and half to go!
    A couple of friends/colleagues have mad backhanded comments but I've worked bloody hard to get to where i have and i wish they would just be happy for me! :ohwell:
  • Jenn_lynn330
    MY future Mother in law

    her- "You've been working out?"
    Me- *proudly* YES!
    her- " Oh it not noticeable"

  • Zerste
    Zerste Posts: 1
    I usually just respond with something along the lines of "I don't believe I asked your opinion". Or if you really want them to piss off with it permanently, just criticize them, and when they get offended, follow it up with "Don't like unsolicited opinions? Me neither."

    Edit: I have actually gotten some pretty good support from the girlfriend though. Just the other day a friend of hers said "You should stop losing weight, you're getting too skinny" (Note: I was planning on losing literally 2 more lbs before attempting to put on more muscle mass), to which I replied "I actually agree, but you should see me with my shirt off!" to which my girlfriend followed up "Yeah he looks good! Actually, better than good, pretty damn great!" So that's always nice.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    "Man..... I'm only asking this as a friend. But, seriously; are you starving yourself?"

    Obviously 'starving yourself' is the only way to lose weight............
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    Yep, my mother ( very obese) and my sister ( also overweight). Ive lost lots before, and the first comment they have for me is " eww, it looks like your skin is hanging, you need to tone things up" Mind you, it was only 50lbs I had lost to reach goal.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Yes. I've been told I'm going to blow away, I'm fading away to nothing, getting too thin, I need to stop losing weight, I'm not going to know when to stop and my personal favorite "you need to start eating; you're looking emanciated". The funny thing is she said that about 10lbs ago when I was stil considered overweight and due to my marathon training I'm eating anywhere from 2000 up to 4000 calories a day. I'm literally only now at the top of my healthy BMI range.
  • hellynewman
    hellynewman Posts: 26 Member
    Absolutely, i think as someone said before it's a lack of understanding and very much stems from jealously. My best friend was always the thin one of the tow of us and it was pretty obvious that she was unhappy i'm taken her title. She even went as far as emailing my husband telling him i was obsessed, that i couldn't have a pudding without going to the gym the next day (um, isn't that a good thing, working off my treats?).

    Thankfully my husabdn just resonded saying that what i was doing was positive and she should be supporting me not criticising, which shut her up!
  • dgbrash2
    dgbrash2 Posts: 16 Member
    I am grateful that my family has supported /is supporting me in my efforts, even with the back-handed compliments. The comments that they give me, I take to heart, in that they are actually trying to encourage me to keep up the good work. I have even had a couple of co-workers ask, 'Have you lost weight?' To which I say, "Yes! 12 pounds." Although my weight wasn't too high, it was more than I wanted it to be (beg/ht/wt was 5' 11", 184, GW 172, met!). I am 51 and have decided I want to grow old, not die early like BOTH parents (Mom @ 45, Dad @ 49), so that is part of my motivation, along w/ my doctor's recommendation to keep my 'numbers' in check.

    I have read a lot of your comments about how others look at your progress, and I must say, I admire those of you who have been on this journey a lot longer than I have, and are keeping up the hard work. Don't ever let anyone get in your way or get in your head, for as long as you are doing what you know to be the right thing about your weight loss, just consider the others either envious or jealous because you are being successful!
  • NinjaMaid
    NinjaMaid Posts: 48 Member
    I have friends who say I spend too much time working out or I need to eat. They don't like it that I won't eat fried or junk food anymore. I am often pressured to eat when I'm not hungry. I don't eat much when I go out and I think my friends resent me sometimes.
  • 1saat
    1saat Posts: 4 Member
    I did this through 2011 and was successful !

    Hubby rolled his eyes when I started - admittedly because I generally don't stick to things :-) But he soon adapted to me measuring/weighing/logging everything and was very supportive. He only commented at the point where it was a bit too much lost for my frame and it showed - way too much came off of my face.

    However, I do have a friend who, upon my first words about watching what I eat (not dieting, just paying attention, mind you) told me 'be careful, you'll become anorexic' - hello, seriously ? I took off 30 lbs before I moved on to maintaining and at no point was there any fear of that.

    I've put some weight back on and now have decided to get back on track - Hubby (the only one who counts) knows. For the rest, I'll keep it to myself for the most part - who needs the negativity.
  • FireHareJenny
    FireHareJenny Posts: 2 Member
    Some people are never happy.

    You can do it! : )
  • Possible_Infinity
    Possible_Infinity Posts: 83 Member
    My Sister came from out of state for a visit.

    She told me she missed her Fat Brother, he was more fun... :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Heard this one today, My head is too big for my body. :laugh: :laugh:

    I had some one also tell me, he's a man it's super easy for him.

    I'll be fair from what I've read men have some advantage primarily because of more muscle mass, but this just didn't happen by accident. Whoops so sorry...
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I can't remember anyone specifically giving me grief about my decision to lose weight. But There are plenty of people who have opinions on how I'm going about it.

    - I've been told to not count my calories. I guess she thought that counting = dangerous restriction? I've never starved myself. Counting calories isn't about under-eating; It's about not over eating

    -I've been told to not worry about my macros because it's "too hard, and you'll get discouraged." Umm... Thanks for assuming what I'm capable of handling? My goals are 40/40/20, but I don't stress out as long as at least 30% of my calories are coming from protein, and no more than 30% are coming from fat.

    -I've been told that I shouldn't do Insanity because it's only for people who are already in really good shape. I don't need any hard exercise because I play soccer once a week, and work as a referee on weekends.

    The one that hurt my progress the most, though, was after getting into a groove with the weight machines at my old gym, I was told "Those things are useless. You shouldn't be using them"

  • shawtiibabyy
    Plenty of times!! It's amazing how many people you thought would be supportive then completely throw you with harsh comments! Been told I look ill, I must have stopped eating, worst one was when a "friend" had spread around lies behind my back about how I'd lost the weight!
    People that do make horrible comments are normally jealous because you've achieved something that you wanted to do! Thats what my boyfriend told me anyway lol To be honest most of the nasty comments came from "skinny" people, confused me really as 90% of my friends who are bigger than me have been really supportive an proud of the weight i lost. I thought it would be the other way round?
    people will always surprise you, just ignore them and keep going :)