Opinions on my struggle.. please



  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11
    Thanks for all your feedback, sure gives me a lot more to think about..
    I will get a food scale so I can log more accurately and see if that makes a change…
    I will try try try to log on the weekends and cut back on the carbs and sugars (not natural sugars though right?)
    The whole process is rather frustrating trying to find the right balance between eating what I enjoy and exercising…
    Just this week ive starting adding on some extra cardio work after the classes to see if that helps with making a change.. time will tell..
  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11
    First, 1200 calories is not enough for you. It may be what MFP gave you, but it is most likely below your BMR (basal metabolic rate--the number of calories it would take to sustain you in a coma) and your body is trying to keep from starving. Find your TDEE and subtract 20% from it using this calculator. This is the number of calories you will need on a daily basis. TDEE includes your exercise activity, so no need to eat back those calories. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Second, forget "clean" eating. You obviously don't enjoy it and it isn't necessary for weight loss. All you need is the right number of calories, logged consistently and accurately. Get your protein up. And that's it.

    So my BMR is 1493 and my TDEE is 2315.
    So my calorie intake should be 1852…?
    That seams soooo high!!
    I feel like I could eat as much as I want and whatever I want without even having to think twice about it… how can that be?
  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11

    as far as your diet went.. how long did you maintain without gaining at all? you are trying to lose some now it must have slipped on at some point?

    Unsure, I guess the physical work with horses was enough to keep me in check.
    Nope never slipped back on, I gained about 5kgs when I quit smoking a few years ago but that disappeared once I stopped replacing cigarettes with lollies lol
    Sometimes when I got on the scales ild be a few kgs up but the next time would be normal again so never worried about it.
    I just want the change now to see if I can better when I am at.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    First, 1200 calories is not enough for you. It may be what MFP gave you, but it is most likely below your BMR (basal metabolic rate--the number of calories it would take to sustain you in a coma) and your body is trying to keep from starving. Find your TDEE and subtract 20% from it using this calculator. This is the number of calories you will need on a daily basis. TDEE includes your exercise activity, so no need to eat back those calories. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Second, forget "clean" eating. You obviously don't enjoy it and it isn't necessary for weight loss. All you need is the right number of calories, logged consistently and accurately. Get your protein up. And that's it.

    ^ This. Completely. You only have 11 lbs to lose.

    I'd like to lose another 5 lbs. I also work out 5 times a week and I eat 2300 calories/day for recomp. A weight loss goal of 2 lbs/week is ridiculous unless you have over 50-60 lbs of fat to lose.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    First, 1200 calories is not enough for you. It may be what MFP gave you, but it is most likely below your BMR (basal metabolic rate--the number of calories it would take to sustain you in a coma) and your body is trying to keep from starving. Find your TDEE and subtract 20% from it using this calculator. This is the number of calories you will need on a daily basis. TDEE includes your exercise activity, so no need to eat back those calories. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Second, forget "clean" eating. You obviously don't enjoy it and it isn't necessary for weight loss. All you need is the right number of calories, logged consistently and accurately. Get your protein up. And that's it.

    So my BMR is 1493 and my TDEE is 2315.
    So my calorie intake should be 1852…?
    That seams soooo high!!
    I feel like I could eat as much as I want and whatever I want without even having to think twice about it… how can that be?

    You're not losing because you have set your goals too aggressively. With 11 pounds to lose, you should use MFP's setting of "Lose 1/2 pound per week" - I suspect you chose, "Lose 2 pounds per week." and then you didn't even eat your Exercise calories. This site is designed to be used in a certain way, and you decided to ignore all those instructions. It instructed you to choose "Lose 1 pound per week" most likely.

    The suggestion to look at the Scooby calculator is right on.

    Yes. Eat around 1800 a day. If you do that, don't add back in any exercise calories.

    If you decided instead to reset your goals here on MFP, you would likely get around 1600. If you exercise, you would eat a little more so averaged out over the week, it would be about 1800. Same/same, just a different way to calculate.

    You cannot expect to have fast weight loss with so little weight to lose. It doesn't work like that.
  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11
    I had picked the lose .5kgs a week option..
    Although looking at it when I first filled it out I wanted to lose 9 kgs…

    Re doing it I find it now tells me to eat 1550 calories…

    The idea of eating more worries me… but I guess what im doing isn’t exactly working so I might as well try…

    I sure don’t expect fast weight loss, but I did expect some weight loss, even 1 kg, in the 6 weeks..
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Did you tell MFP you're sedentary? Most people aren't. Most people are, at worst, lightly active. I stay home with my kids, drive around, cook dinner, take naps and go on MFP and I burn more than the "Very Active" setting according to MFP. So that could be lowering your calories more.

    The reason why more is better than less is that the body can only support so much calorie deficit before adapting with hormonal and metabolic changes. The less weight you have to lose, the less of a calorie deficit it can support without jumping into those adaptations. Your calorie deficit should be probably no more than about 300 calories daily... or MFP's 1/2 lb per week loss option (.25kg or so?).

    In fact, to look at you, I'd say you should just look at re-comp. Eat at maintenance and lift heavy weights 3 times a week. Cut back on the pure cardio and just lift. The body pump classes and the like aren't going to put on any significant muscle for you... especially if you're cutting calories. But increase intake and reduce reps to the 6-15 range and you'll be laughing in 6 months when you're down 2 dress sizes or more.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I had picked the lose .5kgs a week option..
    Although looking at it when I first filled it out I wanted to lose 9 kgs…

    Re doing it I find it now tells me to eat 1550 calories…

    The idea of eating more worries me… but I guess what im doing isn’t exactly working so I might as well try…

    I sure don’t expect fast weight loss, but I did expect some weight loss, even 1 kg, in the 6 weeks..

    Awesome! So if you are choosing to use the 1550 that MFP suggests, you need to add back in and EAT More on those days you do actual exercise above just your normal job/school/home life.

    So if you are riding horses or mucking stalls every day, you count that as part of your Activity Level (so you would use the highest "Active" level.)

    Any additional exercise, like running or a dance class, or swimming, add in an additional 300-400 extra calories that day.

  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    Oh GOodness you got lots of great advice....

    I agree

    measure your foods and drinks and track everything... Get some scales... that not really too expensive.. WalMart has a cheap set that will work. DO NOT GUESS

    Get a HRM to be sure your counting your calories correctly and not been overeating for the past four weeks

    Exercise is not enough.... I have been up and down on my weight my whole life... I think I have been pretty hot and pretty fat.... LOL... I have ALWAYS exercised... so no a person can get pretty heavy if they are not watching their diet.. no matter how much they exercise!

    Consider that you may not be eating enough.. but first weigh and track your diet and use your HRM before you up your calorie intake.

    Are you feeling hungry? I know some people say they don't feel hungry.... I could not imagine never feeling hungry... But I always thought feeling hungry was a clue that my metabolism is working and I am loosing weight! (this is not scientific! )

    Talk to your doctor about this or your gym instructor! With hands on most likely they will be able to help much more than an internet community!

    Good LUCK!
  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11
    Did you tell MFP you're sedentary? Most people aren't. Most people are, at worst, lightly active. I stay home with my kids, drive around, cook dinner, take naps and go on MFP and I burn more than the "Very Active" setting according to MFP. So that could be lowering your calories more.

    The reason why more is better than less is that the body can only support so much calorie deficit before adapting with hormonal and metabolic changes. The less weight you have to lose, the less of a calorie deficit it can support without jumping into those adaptations. Your calorie deficit should be probably no more than about 300 calories daily... or MFP's 1/2 lb per week loss option (.25kg or so?).

    In fact, to look at you, I'd say you should just look at re-comp. Eat at maintenance and lift heavy weights 3 times a week. Cut back on the pure cardio and just lift. The body pump classes and the like aren't going to put on any significant muscle for you... especially if you're cutting calories. But increase intake and reduce reps to the 6-15 range and you'll be laughing in 6 months when you're down 2 dress sizes or more.

    Yeah I think I did actually because I have an office job..
    I’ve just changed it to lightly active and a loss of .25kgs a week and now it’s put me at 1690 calorie intake.

    I don’t really understand the calorie deficit stuff so I will do some research on this, me not understanding it won’t be helping lol

    I will try this thanks!
    Well here’s hoping that’s the outcome lol
  • amie709
    amie709 Posts: 99
    Trust me-not enough calories TOO MANY CARBS and not enough protein. It's past my bedtime but message me if you wanna discuss this
  • erinhugo
    erinhugo Posts: 11
    What should my carb intake be?
    Im such a noob with dieting and knowing what foods have carbs and what have protein etc etc…
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    What should my carb intake be?
    Im such a noob with dieting and knowing what foods have carbs and what have protein etc etc…
    You can look at this for optimal targets:


    There is no magic here, other than keeping close to a calorie goal.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Best thing to do is log your food religiously. Study your bottom line (the calories, carbs, fat, protein). No one knows this stuff without putting in the time.

    It's a process. You'll learn, just like we all did. :flowerforyou:
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