Tracey Anderson, anyone had results?

2belll Posts: 18 Member
Hi guys about to try


  • 2belll
    2belll Posts: 18 Member

    Anyone tried tracey Anderson 30 day method and had results?
    particularly with the clean eating plan as well.

    any thoughts on her method would be great?
  • 2belll
    2belll Posts: 18 Member
  • lisalawsy
    lisalawsy Posts: 7
    I haven't tried it my self, but my 40 year old Aunty has. This time last year she was in a size 14 dress, she's now in a size 8 and looks amazing. I'm not sure how much weight she lost, as she doesn't believe in the scales she measured her self in cms. I am about to try the Tracey Anderson method my self. Good Luck! x
  • 2belll
    2belll Posts: 18 Member
    omg that's AMAZING !! well done to her!
    did she feel hungry on it?
  • lisalawsy
    lisalawsy Posts: 7
    I'm not sure if she stuck to the eating plan the way she should of but she trained every day. We went for a meal a few weeks ago and she eats more than me. She has a massive appetite that i do know. She also takes Wheat Grass. I've been taking it my self for about 2 weeks, it's great stuff. If you haven't read up on it yet, do your research. It gives you loads of energy and you feel great. Also green tea is great!

    My Aunty has battled with her weight for years, she has 3 kids, 2 of which are twins. She's tried all sorts of diets and exercises and nothing changed her body the way Tracey Anderson did. She is now training to be a fitness instructor, teaching the Metamorphosis technique. She is currently being used as an example that this can work, her friend is now a fully qualified fitness instructor who was trained using the Tracey Anderson method. She does classes everyday and my Aunty goes with her to encourage the others that this method works. Go for it!! xx
  • 2belll
    2belll Posts: 18 Member
    well its certainly sounds like it worked for her. thanks for the advice :flowerforyou:
  • I noticed results even after just day 5 or 6. I'm on the hipcentric 90 days. Takes a lot of determination and I slip up with eating on occasion- but keep going back to it. I find it hard to eat all the food she recommends. I know other comment that it is low calories- but we are all used to eating different amounts.
    I tried a 1200 calorie diet for a long time but plateaued. I'm not that big- so it didnt make a huge difference. So eating just under that is totally fine.
    The first week I drank alot of green tea to keep up energy. People say they faint and feel lightheaded. I can understand this if you don't take care. So drinking white and green tea a lot definitely helps.

    Yes- it is really good. I can understand why a celebrity like Gwyneth, Madonna or Nicole would choose this program. It delivers- but takes dedication. For those girls, their bodies are an important part of their careers. That would be a huge motivation for me. I don't have that so it does take a big push.
  • I did not follow the eating plan when I was on it - but it totally changed my body shape! I will say that I did not get any of the maintenance DVDs after the 1st 90- days and without that, I'm not as lean as I was.

    I am planning to start it up again and include the maintenance going forward.