One step at a time!! Looking for friends :)

This is my, probably, 5th time being part of MFP. I have failed EVERY time! :( Here is a little bit about myself. Im 25 years young, married to my best friend for 2 years! I have always been the "big girl" of the group. All my friends are, skinny. At least thats what I call them, though none of them think that themselves. I dont believe Im extremely over weight, but I am. ( Ahh the first step, admitting it) I currently weight 225-228. It varies between the two ( I weigh myself first thing in the morning). My pants size is 16, tops are XL. I havent done any measurements, frankly I dont want to see the numbers. I first big goal I would love to reach is under 200 pds. Even to see 199 would be AMAZING!!! I found some information online that I used to set my goals (calories, fiber, etc). I work full time, so I never get to eat supper until at least 7:20 pm. Though I know its not good to eat that late, I still like to sit down with my husband and enjoy a nice hot meal. Im a VERY picky eater, so finding foods that are healthy and I'll like it hard! Thats my big problem, I eat the WRONG foods, and I know this!

So with all that being said, I need all the help/motivation/suggestions I can get!

Thanks a bunch :)

Feel free to add me as a friend as well!!
