can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong please?


I'm getting really demoralised :(

I know i've only been at this a couple of weeks but this week all i've done is gained weight (ok 2lb but then i'd only lost 5lb in a month)

I've logged my food every day (and been honest nothing has passed these lips that's not listed)

I've gone from doing nothing (and i do mean NOTHING) each day other than sit on a sofa and eating hardly anything to a complete lifestyle change and doing the following

Eating and logging on mfp (which has meant upping how much i eat so is this maybe my body gaining weight and then maybe it will start to lose it (have read lots of things about having adjusted metabolism if long term undereating which i think i was)
I joined the gym and go 5-6 mornings a week (this sounds good but i am only doing 30mins on a cycle and 25mins on a treadmill at VERY easy levels as heart rate goes too high still at mo (think my body is simply too shocked that i know how to leave the couch!) but am trying to work on increasing intesity very slowly. (example of intesity is im only burning 150 cals for 30mins bike and 60cals for 21mins treadmill)

I'm big (208lb) and only 5ft 0in so, wishful thinking as it was, i really expected to lose quite well at the start and i'm going nowhere.

I'm not noticing changes to measurements (although i do feel so much better since joining the gym mentally)

I've upped my calories from 1200 mfp recommended after reading all the posts re bmr and tdee etc (tdee - 20% actually works out 1819 cals but i seriously cant eat that much in the day and still find a way to keep sat fats down (high cholesterol and gallstones - god i sound awful sorry) to 1300-1500 (and eating loads of food)

can someone please take a look and offer any advice please?


  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member

    I know i've only been at this a couple of weeks but this week all i've done is gained weight (ok 2lb but then i'd only lost 5lb in a month)

    I'm confused about you've lost 5lbs this month, but gained back 2 this week for a net loss of 3lbs? Or....? And how are you figuring this 2lb "gain", did you weigh at the same time, without clothes, etc?
  • Hi Urban, thanks so much for looking
    yup you are right, lost 5lb in a month and put back 2lb this week meaning net of 3lb loss :(
    Wasn't necessarily same time of day (i have seen there can be a 2lb fluctuation just by time of day so will do it again tomorrow at lunchtime which was when i weighed my self last time) but same weight of clothing both times
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Nothing is wrong except your expectations. You have lost a total of 5 lbs this month, be happy and keep chugging. Weight loss isn't linear. You can't gain fat at 1300 calories unless you have a several metabolic problem
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi Urban, thanks so much for looking
    yup you are right, lost 5lb in a month and put back 2lb this week meaning net of 3lb loss :(
    Wasn't necessarily same time of day (i have seen there can be a 2lb fluctuation just by time of day so will do it again tomorrow at lunchtime which was when i weighed my self last time) but same weight of clothing both times

    Ok so this thread & demoralization are pointless, I can fluctuate like 5lbs in a day...not sure why people get so frustrated when they weigh after eating - that food has not digested yet, the water you drank is still sitting there, etc. Of course your weight is going to be higher, you wouldn't be human if it wasn't! You need to weigh yourself in the morning, before eating.
  • Thanks for reply Psule - i intend to keep chugging and maybe you're right re my expectations (will hopefully be posting in 6mths to a newbie that it all started working eventually)
    urban - thanks for the reply - i'll try first thing tomorrow morning before gym

    thanks again
  • nikkirec
    nikkirec Posts: 24 Member
    I agree, start weighing yourself as soon as you get out of bed(after you pee) and you will get a more accurate picture of your weight loss. And good for you for getting off the couch!
  • thanks nikki, i have to say even the cats now look up with "who the heck are you, and how did you get from the front room to this room?" :D
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    When did you start upping your calories? You may see a little increase on the scale after that, but it'll go down again.

    I'm 5' as well but I'm near goal weight. I eat around 1500 cals a day and I'm still losing (and shrinking). I'm mostly sedentary, I get only about 1-3 hours of exercise a week max. I also got 1200 calories from MFP, but that felt like way too little for me. I gained a bit after upping my calories, but all-in-all I still lost 3lbs the past month. I also use the TDEE method, I eat at a 15-20% deficit.

    I'd up my calories to 1800 if I were you, and keep at it for a couple of weeks. If you struggle getting in the calories use full-fat dairy products (no skim milk and stuff like that), or eat things like avocados, salmon, nuts. If you're not losing after about a month you can always cut back a little more calories. And definitely take your measurements! You might not be losing, but you may still be shrinking ;-)
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Poop more
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    I went back in your diary for over a week. You were eating a serious deficient! You goal was 1600 but you were 400-600 less every day. Then you bumped up to 1800 and were a few 100 calories short there. Here's a great post that helped me understand why we gain so fast when we eat a bit more:

    I also agree, weigh in the am first thing.
  • I went back in your diary for over a week. You were eating a serious deficient! You goal was 1600 but you were 400-600 less every day. Then you bumped up to 1800 and were a few 100 calories short there. Here's a great post that helped me understand why we gain so fast when we eat a bit more:

    I also agree, weigh in the am first thing.

    Hi, thanks very much for looking and answering, the big deficit was because at that time it was set to 1200 cals a day so was eating around that. I bumped it up very recently and someone else (as well as yourself) has pointed out it may go up due to that
    Thanks for the link that was a very helpful read
    ps - weighed this morning and showed 2lb loss so ty all it does look like the gain was because i wasn't being consistent with the time i was weighing myself each time (phew) - i'll stick to first thing in the morning from now on for tracking. I'm going to try to stay at 1500-1600 (dont think i could jump straight up to 1800) for a couple of weeks and see if it starts working :)

    thanks again everyone
  • ok so it's not 6mths its been 2mths and I am SO much happier so thought i'd post in case any newbies ever back track and see my original post.

    2mths later and i'm back to the 1200-1300 cals (which i've seen good and bad posts about) BUT it's working for me :D:D

    I'm still learning what works for me and what doesn't and have spent October with a very repetative diary but it's working - i'm working on doing november as repetative but changing to up my protein and down my carbs and i'll see how that goes

    lost 11lbs since my first post (took 2mths but it's the right direction so that's good enough for me)

    I'm 2wks from my 41st birthday and my first goal was to get to 14stone for then (1lb to go and i'll do that in 2ks by hell or high water lol) - getting a treadmill for my bday treat to myself as i'm now up to 45mins on the one at the gym and whilst i like it when im there getting myself out the chair to go is a killer so figured i've no excuse if it's in the house

    my next goal is 13st by end of jul2014 and we'll take it from there

    all in all - i can only say stick at it if you're new and feeling a bit deflated, follow the advice peeps on here write, they know their stuff! and good luck :D
  • jak1958
    jak1958 Posts: 82 Member
    Fantastic! You're doing it right - keep it up :)
  • Fantastic! You're doing it right - keep it up :)

    Thanks Jak :smile:
  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    Slow and steady wins the race. Excellent work on keeping with it and not quitting.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Great job staying committed, and thanks for the update!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member

    I'm getting really demoralised :(

    I know i've only been at this a couple of weeks but this week all i've done is gained weight (ok 2lb but then i'd only lost 5lb in a month)

    I've logged my food every day (and been honest nothing has passed these lips that's not listed)

    I've gone from doing nothing (and i do mean NOTHING) each day other than sit on a sofa and eating hardly anything to a complete lifestyle change and doing the following

    Eating and logging on mfp (which has meant upping how much i eat so is this maybe my body gaining weight and then maybe it will start to lose it (have read lots of things about having adjusted metabolism if long term undereating which i think i was)
    I joined the gym and go 5-6 mornings a week (this sounds good but i am only doing 30mins on a cycle and 25mins on a treadmill at VERY easy levels as heart rate goes too high still at mo (think my body is simply too shocked that i know how to leave the couch!) but am trying to work on increasing intesity very slowly. (example of intesity is im only burning 150 cals for 30mins bike and 60cals for 21mins treadmill)

    I'm big (208lb) and only 5ft 0in so, wishful thinking as it was, i really expected to lose quite well at the start and i'm going nowhere.

    I'm not noticing changes to measurements (although i do feel so much better since joining the gym mentally)

    I've upped my calories from 1200 mfp recommended after reading all the posts re bmr and tdee etc (tdee - 20% actually works out 1819 cals but i seriously cant eat that much in the day and still find a way to keep sat fats down (high cholesterol and gallstones - god i sound awful sorry) to 1300-1500 (and eating loads of food)

    can someone please take a look and offer any advice please?

    I would track sodium instead of sat fat? Looking at your diary, you have no idea how much sodium you are eating daily.