New&UK... Ready for this???

Hello Everyone = D

Hope you are all well.

So this is my first day on this site and I am ready for it!!
Firstly I decide to join up after seeing some very horrified pictures of me recently and thought I need to sort this out! So here I am!!!
I am doing weight watchers Pro Points as well but I am not going to the meeting and I also heard that I would get more support on here then at a meeting.

Secondly just so you know I work for wetherspoon so my food entries will include these foods but its not because I am always done the pub!!

And lastly
my name is Wendy I am 25, at this moment in time I live at home, I am a very chatty person so feel free to add me and ask me anything



  • sazzafray
    Hey Wendy!

    I'm Sarah, and I literally set up myfitnesspal account yesterday evening. I found that there was a variety of reasons that I wanted to join something like this. I feel like my life isn't healthy anymore... I would like to lose weight, sure... but I think the most important thing for me is to not be filling myself with rubbish every day! ahah :) I currently get spots quite regularly, and I've tried every thing out there to clear them up, but they just keep coming back and it's starting to get me down! I like that on this, it tracks how much sugar, carbs etc you are intaking because it's easier to see why things are happening :)

    Anyway, sorry for the rant there! Had to get it out the way :P I'm 21 so not much difference in age really, so thought I'd introduce myself! Feel free to add me if you like :)

    Hope to hear back from you soon xx

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