Need to find something that works..

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
GRRRRR! I've been on here since January. I've been obsessing over food everyday since lol. I started at 130. I've made it to like 125, and now I'm back to 130. Something is not working. I don't have the will power. I have been going to the gym though. I have'nt been going as often as I was but I'm getting back into it now. I just need to find something that works for me. When I count my calories I obsess about how many I have left. Then if I go over I say "screw it fresh start tomorrow" and then eat bad for the rest of the day. That's not helping me!
So I've tried not logging. Well that didn't work either! OYYYEEE.
So idea#3: I'm not going to log calories in. But I am going to note everything I eat. Then the day afterrrr I will log in and see how I did. That way if I go over my calories I wont "screw it" because I won't know. ALSO I obviously can't cut out my fav foods(anything fried pretty much) because I've tried doing that and it doesn't work. Before I started keeping track of calories, when I would go out to eat or whatever I would order something bad..but I never actually ate the whole I DO!
I'm going to not stress about what I eat. If I do eat something bad and high in calories, I will only eat half. I'm told that it's all about portions. I'm going to continue to go to the gym. I'll try this for a month and see how it works. If I notice that I'm gaining weight...then I'll go back to logging.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Have you tried making a plan beforehand?

    If you look at my food diary, I plan a week's worth of food ahead of time. I also make my grocery list from that plan.

    When you plan ahead, you can tweak your food and portions until you get it just right. Then, make sure that you are eating ONLY what you have planned out. Nothing more, nothing less. If you do eat more or less, then go back and log that in later to see how it will affect you.

    For me, this works MUCH better than simply logging in my food after I eat it and trying to count everything in my head all day long.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Do you feel any different?
    Any changes to your measurements?
    More or less energy?
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I know how you feel. I have been trying to lose 20 pesky pounds since New Years and have yet to do it. I do not work out as often as I should so I think if I do that it would help. I do log all my foods and try to watch what I eat and I have been eating alot better. I try to get my 8 glasses of water in a day as well. This helps me control my appetite. I also have been wondering about what it is that I am doing wrong and not being able to lose those lbs in all this time. But my lack of exercise I think is my issue. I am just not consistant and have a hard time staying motivated. I know how you feel & wish you luck on your journey!
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    You're partially correct, it is about portions, but it's also about the types of food. I'm not sure what your goal weight is, but you seem to be down to the last few pounds (like me). Cut out anything that doesn't have nutritional value...sugars, caffiene, keep grain carbs low. Those things will keep those extra few on you and you'll keep yo-yoing. Keep your cals up, just make sure it's packed with veggies and lean protien. Just some thoughts...see if it works! Good luck!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Pinksgirlfriend just deactivated her account so ignore her comments.
  • alr2
    alr2 Posts: 2
    I feel that was very harsh!! I too am 130 pounds, trying to get back to 115!! We are trying to think ahead, because the older you get the harder it is to keep it off!! I have a grandmother who is 300 pounds and a mother that is overweight. I am trying to think ahead, because I don't want to be like that later on in life! You really need to think before you spout off ugly comments! THis is for encouraging people, not breaking them down! sounds like you're jealous to me....hmmm....
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    the only thing that i find that works for me is pre planning!

    everyday i sit down and put my food diary in for the next day... that way i get to eat foods that i love!

    i pre plan what portion size i need to eat of certain foods to fit all my fav foods into my calorie limit, this means there is no stressing out at work because the canteen food is dripping with fat or the sandwiches are filled with more mayo than proper meat and veg because ive made my lunch the night before and brought it with me!
    there is no stressing about getting to work on time and fitting in a healthy filling breakfast because i have it all sitting out the night before and all i have to do is put the porridge in the microwave to cook while im putting on my make-up!
    and then when i get home at night all tired from my day at work i know exactly what im making for dinner and can whip it up and scarf it down without having to work out if im eating too much or not because i know im not as i planned it all out the night before! stress free eating, obsessing over food in a good way and then looking forward to eating everything i planned out!

    of course some days aren't the norm and you go shopping with friends and end up in starbucks or your wonderful boyfriend surprises you with a fancy dinner out or you have a day (like mine yest) that you just want to eat everything in sight! but if you stick with the pre planning 6 days out of 7 its no sweat to forget about it a little one day a week and relax knowing that all the other days you did pretty well!

    hope this helps a little but if i didn't pre plan my meals and snacks for the day and logged then all in at the end of the day after id eaten everything i know id be way over and feeling very sorry for myself!
  • cathyfigueroa
    cathyfigueroa Posts: 36 Member

    You are so wrong for being so angry at anyone who is trying to lose weight
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member

    Wow! For the first time at MFP I am truly saddened. I'm sure it exists, but I have not seem that kinda degredation and ugliness on these boards before. Funny thing, it comes the morning after I made the decision to write my first blog. One that will begin with an apology, not for spewing the poison that you have, but for not taking the time to understand that struggles, low self esteem, and the quest to be healthy can not be weighed. It affects many different people in may different ways.

    As for the poster, keep at it! I have seem so many inspiring success stories here. Find an excerise you really enjoy and go for the gusto! I'm still looking for one myself, but determined to like to excercise one day soon :)
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Your story sounds very familiar... it is exactly where I was about 6 months ago, I thought if I just cut down and started working out that the weight would just melt off. I was way wrong. It has taken a lot of work and dedication to loose the weight I have. You didn't say how much you are wanting to loose, if you don't have much to loose it may take longer and you may have to be more strict. I just know that what I was doing was so obviously not working, and it was all in my head. I had to convince myself I needed to do this 110% or not at all, because the frustration was making me eat more!! So I guess what I'm trying to say is you need to have a talk with yourself and find out how important it is to you to loose the weight, and get in the right state of mind before going at it again. And don't get me wrong, I'm far from eating as healthy as I should, because I do allow myself to the foods I used to eat, but only on occasion and only very small portions. So good luck in your journey and if you need the support, you can add me as a friend!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Pinksgirlfriend just deactivated her account so ignore her comments.

    Good. Reporting posts works. I hope people like that don't post too often around here, because that was very upsetting. I weigh 143, but I want to drop body fat and size to get to 129 before Christmas. I sometimes get scoffed at by co-workers and family members who don't understand what I want to do with my body saying that I already look OK (even though I want to drop body fat and lean out to 17% body fat)...but we don't need that kind of thing here where we are supposed to help, support, and motivate each other to overcome our pitfalls and reach our goals.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    There's a show here [Canada] called "Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp" and this trainer helps people trying to lose just those last 10lbs. I'd recommend looking up the show and seeing if it's online just to get some ideas. The plan is 1500 calories - decreased carbs and LOTS of hard workouts. I have SO much to lose that any bit of effort is a success so I can't really give any advice other than find that show...

    This is the meal plan for the show's participants [females]:

    But I think most of the success comes from the exercise they do. It's really kick a**.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    That Last 10 Pounds thing looks kind of like what I am doing now...I haven't gone real low on carbs, but they are always under my goal...I do 1500 calories a day...I do really hard workouts 6 days a week...

    Hmmm...maybe I'm on to something. :)
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Pinksgirlfriend just deactivated her account so ignore her comments.

    um did i miss something lol? did she say something mean because it's not showing up anymore if she did. Im so confused! lol
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Something I did a long time ago that I thought was great was a eating plan I found in a Reader's Digest called Change One. The idea is that you change one thing at a for week one you replace your beverages with water. Everything else stays exactly the same...Week two you change your breakfast...the book had tons of great options that were really balanced etc and showed the appropriate portion size...(portion size was my biggie as I seem to like pretty healthy foods). Week three moved to an appropriate choice and portion size for a morning snack etc. The idea is that your body adjusts to the incremental changes more easily...if you are starving during the breakfast week you can still eat a normal for you snack and you won't feel deprived etc..thing s after a week your body should be adjusted to the new breakfast so when you get the next week you have breakfast mastered and can now adjust that snack. I have always done well with breakfast so I only spent a few days on that mom on the other had needed to spend two weeks on each step to really feel ready for the next. I lost enough by just adjusting everything but dinner that I was content. I found MFP when I wanted to break through a plateau and started training for a marathon as I needed to make sure I was eating enough.

    The plan might be slow but it doesn't deprive you. You don't give up fried foods for a really long time and there is still a place for them in moderation.....
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    Pinksgirlfriend just deactivated her account so ignore her comments.

    um did i miss something lol? did she say something mean because it's not showing up anymore if she did. Im so confused! lol

    Her comments and anyone's comments that quoted hers were removed.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Pinksgirlfriend just deactivated her account so ignore her comments.

    um did i miss something lol? did she say something mean because it's not showing up anymore if she did. Im so confused! lol

    Her comments and anyone's comments that quoted hers were removed.

    what did she say though i missed it!! I need something to amuse me right now lol
  • I guess my first quesion is, how tall are you?? I'm guessing, by your user name, that you're fairly short, but I have to say that even for a shorter person, 130 is a pretty good weight. It would be ideal if you were 5'6", I suppose, according to the following:

    weight/height calculating rule: "For women, allow 100 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5lbs for each additional inch. For men, allow 110 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs for each additional inch".

    Anyway, whatever you're doing, I think you're doing a pretty good job! Keep at it and good luck!! :)

    PS..Pink said some insulting things that nobody, regardless of how big or small, should have to read on here. We're here to support eachother in reaching our goals. Just because your goals don't seem as challenging as someone else's, doesn't make them less significant. You're doing great!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I guess my first quesion is, how tall are you?? I'm guessing, by your user name, that you're fairly short, but I have to say that even for a shorter person, 130 is a pretty good weight. It would be ideal if you were 5'6", I suppose, according to the following:

    weight/height calculating rule: "For women, allow 100 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5lbs for each additional inch. For men, allow 110 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs for each additional inch".

    Anyway, whatever you're doing, I think you're doing a pretty good job! Keep at it and good luck!! :)

    PS..Pink said some insulting things that nobody, regardless of how big or small, should have to read on here. We're here to support eachother in reaching our goals. Just because your goals don't seem as challenging as someone else's, doesn't make them less significant. You're doing great!

    First off.. THANKS! Yes I am short. I'm 5' and healthy weight for my height is between 113-127 or something so I'm not that far off but I just dont like what i see lol
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    weight/height calculating rule: "For women, allow 100 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5lbs for each additional inch. For men, allow 110 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs for each additional inch".

    The rule for a man is 106 at 5' and 6 pounds per inch so at 6'2 that would have a man at 190 you calculation would have them at 180, not much of a difference but the taller a man gets the skinnier he would have to be to meet that rule vs the 6 lb/inch rule.
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