your favorite feature (self love game!)

we all know that we are our own worst enemy. we look in the mirror and even when we've lost weight and look way better to everyone else, we still see something we dont like. WELL STOP IT! HA! here's the game rules, say your favorite feature of yourself (body part, facial feature, etc.) and say why. (one at a time would be fun, then we can keep this going for a while!) its time for some self love!

here, i'll start:

I'll be honest, i LIKE my big butt. sure its maybe a tiny bit too big for some jeans (and one skirt that i own) but its cute! its not flat, its not weird shaped......i have a badonkadonk and i love it! so there! :bigsmile:


  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    I love my eyes.. dark blue against my jet black hair.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I like my hair! In December 2009, I cut off all my chemically-processed hair, and started growing my own natural texture. It's a lot of work, but so far I love the curls, the shine... it's just so pretty, and it's all mine! :-)
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I get the most compliments on my smile and corresponding dimples.. Very straight and white teeth. But these days my abs are lookin' pretty darn good if I do say so myself!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Since I started working out I have a new appreciation for my back.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Hmmm, My favorite is my lips and eyes. I have full lips for a white girl and big blue eyes. Right now I am also loving my calves, after all this jogging and hiking I have calves that don't look like giant blobs of fat!!! LOVE this post!!
  • carrielz
    carrielz Posts: 10 Member
    I've learned to love a lot of things about me, but I love my butt too! It's always been one of my "best" features and one i've never been ashamed of - never wanted a flat butt! :smokin:
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    :blushing: with me, it my hair, makes me look sexy untill they start looking lower.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    My tattoos..... love each one, and will soon be getting a new one!
  • karlowe
    karlowe Posts: 92 Member
    blue eyes
  • animatedbecca
    I love that in 54 yrs Ive never had a stretch mark or cellulite. Apparently I have very good skin! LOL!
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    I reckon my eyes, they're quite a strong green, so when i had red hair they really stood out =)
  • cnash81
    I happen to be a girl that was blessed in the booty department as well. There are many things I dislike about my body, but my rear end is not one of them. My husband sure likes it too!
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    My boobs !!

    I love everything about them; size, shape, feel, etc. They are so tied to my identity. They make me feel femine and sexy.

    And that is part of why my weight doesn't bother me. Bc when I look down, I don't see belly, I see boobs.

    First mammo next month, and I'm a little nervous. But I still love them.

    Second, place is my hair. I'm a natural redhead and it's rare and I get a lot of compliments on it. So it is a big part of what makes me ME !!

    I love my body. From head to toe. There is a little less of it these days (and honestly that is hard for me, but I am managing well and I know it is for the best).

    Yeah !!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I love my wide hips and big butt LOL. I used to hate it! but since it's started getting in better shape, it's starting to look attractive, and, not being big headed, but a lot of guys are starting to notice *blush*.

    And I love my hair and face shape :D
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i quite like my arms now that i've started working out they have gotten toned - no bingo wings here!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i love my eyes....they are very pretty and the blue color changes depending on what i'm wearing or my mood...
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I like my calves--they've very muscular and tight from 15 years of dance classes. I also like my boobs, I'll miss them when I lose weight.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I love my bright green eyes and my curves. Curves are feminine and powerful. Pointy edges are not a good thing on a woman. :laugh:
  • DancingDreamer
    ahhh i love everyone's answers so far! :D

    another thing i love about myself is my CURVES. and boy do i have them! wide hips and big (CUTE!) butt, waist that once this dang belly is gone will be tiny (it curves in at the sides, its just the front thats the issue ha!), and then a rather well endowed chest XD. when i'm having a good day and actually see what sayyy my Boyfriend sees i say to myself "damn've got some nice cuuuuurves!" :laugh:
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    my eyes used to be my favorite but I'm getting older and they don't shine like they used to. But I am loving my legs! :)