what are tips and tricks have you used to save money



  • LuckyFur
    LuckyFur Posts: 96
    Grow your own marijuana and make your own moonshine.

    It cuts costs WAY down.
  • adiostrasero
    adiostrasero Posts: 127 Member
    - I shop almost exclusively at discount grocery stores (Aldi, Ruler, etc.). I've found I can get almost everything I need and that's cheaper than regular grocery stores (even with coupons.) However, I WILL shop at regular grocery stores when they put things on special.

    - freeze, freeze, freeze. You can freeze a surprising number of foods. I almost never throw food away anymore. If I know I'm not going to be able to finish it before it goes bad, I freeze it! I buy produce when it's on sale, prep it, and freeze it immediately. If it's not cheap, I don't buy it.

    - Eat at my parents' house as often as possible, lol. I do laundry there too! I'm a mooch and they love me anyway.

    - Started cleaning someone's house for $50/week. It adds up.

    - Hypermiling. I don't know if it really works for me, as I already have a pretty efficient car ... but it's fun ;)

    - Sell things on e-bay if they're worth more than about $50. (Otherwise I've found by the time I pay for shipping and get the post office it's not really worth my effort.)

    - Turn off ALL the lights when I'm asleep/not home. Turn off the AC or heat at night if I can stand it. Unplug major appliances when possible.

    - Shop online for the best deals before I buy. Use websites to compare prices even if I'm not going to actually buy online. (For ex., just compared prices of kettlebells from walmart.com and target.com.)

    Saving money is kind of addicting once you get used to the idea of being "purposefully poor" :)
  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    Steal everything, get arrested, live for free in prison.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    If you drink 1% milk you can actually make it last longer by buying Whole milk.
    Half gallon whole milk; pour half into a pourable container and leave half in the original.
    Fill half with water in both containers; leaving room in the original container for air when frozen.
    Freeze the original container and use the pourable one in the fridge.
    This will make $2 milk last 2 months, and you get a half gallon in each.

    The only difference between 1% milk and whole milk is the amount of water in the milk.
  • mish24canada
    mish24canada Posts: 152 Member
    thanks for all those helpful tips
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I didn't read to see if anyone else had mentioned this, but packing and pre-planning food! Not only does it help me save money but also helps me to stay on track with my calories. I work part time on top of going to college full time, so this is really essential to me. Eating out is so expensive and absolutely not worth it. I also shop almost completely at Aldi, unless they don't happen to carry what I need.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    i always shop with a list, and buy the generic or sale items which ever is cheaper, and coupons!
    and i know what stores have the better prices on what in my town so break down my list like that.
    my dad taught me how to get the best deals, and to triple check prices.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    Steal everything, get arrested, live for free in prison.

    ^^^^this^^^^ i change my answere to this
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Sadly coupon policies are slightly different here (Canada) than the states.
    Check out http://smartcanucks.ca/ this site gave me lots of great tips and got me started on the right path.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    If you drink 1% milk you can actually make it last longer by buying Whole milk.
    Half gallon whole milk; pour half into a pourable container and leave half in the original.
    Fill half with water in both containers; leaving room in the original container for air when frozen.
    Freeze the original container and use the pourable one in the fridge.
    This will make $2 milk last 2 months, and you get a half gallon in each.

    The only difference between 1% milk and whole milk is the amount of water in the milk.

    The difference between whole and 1% milk is the fat content. If you water down your milk. You also water down the nutrients in it.
    If your sole purpose is to save money, great. But if you drink milk for the calcium, protein/nutrition I don't suggest you water it down.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 557 Member
    Oh, bump! This thread needs to continue! Thanks so far to all for your fab ideas.