My Story with pic

tonyidol Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Success Stories
I've always been good at Rugby League, always been into sport etc but for some reason I had a lot of weight on my body you might not think 14.9 (About 90kgs) stone is a lot for a rugby player but when your 5ft9 and your too scared to wear a t shirt out in public something needs done! My problem was that i was going the gym but still eating all the snacks, crisps and chocolate i could find. I'm in the military so I move about quite a lot, this year I moved to a place called Wittering near Peterborough and joined a new Rugby league team called the Northampton Demons, my first training session went well and i slotted into their first team on skill alone but I could tell in myself that i needed to do something about my podge, carrying all that weight around a Rugby league pitch especially when you play a position who is touching the ball just about every 10 seconds and following it about the park is a tough task, then in July i got a new iPhone and and downloaded My Fitness Pal, I read up on things on the Internet and decided to change my habits.

I began counting every single calorie, looking on the back of food packets for kcals, i bought some scales to measure the grams I was eating, after about 3 weeks I was totally addicted to this new way of life. People began commenting on my weight loss, I created an even more intense training program than i'd had before, I gained massive amounts of will power and I needed it for when people would fetch cakes or biscuits into our work place I never touched a single one and i wasn't even bothered or really tempted. I was counting calories on My Fitness Pal and putting in all of my training and exercises, the first 2 weeks were hard and the hunger was sometimes barely bareable but after the first 2 weeks I started to feel better in myself. Now, here on September 23rd (And for the past 3 weeks) I have weighed 80kgs, I can't believe how much weight I have lost in just over 2 months, I am a changed man, my eating habits have changed, I know a lot more about my body, skin tight shirts that we play in now hang off me, I feel bad if I miss the gym for a day or if I eat a Macdonalds or any other fast food. One thing I do make sure of though is atleast one day a week, normally a Saturday (Now that our season has finished) I have a massive pig out where I can eat what i want, I feel that this day is important as it gives you something to look forward to during the week whereas if I'd eaten a Macdonalds on a Wednesday i'd feel guilty pigging out on a Saturday because of my Wednesday antics, I'm not sure if this will work for everybody but it certainly worked for me and the proudest thing about it is that I did it all by myself, no training partners, no dieticians, just hard work and the will to be the best on the Rugby field, I think it may have paid off as my team won everything there is to win this year we are the East Regional League Winners, the East Regional Grand Final Winners and also the Regional National Winners out of the whole country!

Here is what a normal weekday is like for me:

Oatso Simple Porridge with 125ml semi skimmed milk (216kcal)

3 litres water throughout the morning

1 Tin Heinz Lentil Soup (178kcal) with 1 slice of bread unbuttered (95kcal)
1 can of Coke Zero (0Kcal)

3 Litres water througout the afternoon

Anything homecooked, kept at around 500-600kcal in total (even included chips, oven cooked though not fried!)

Total calories for the day: 1089

Gym time: Hill Run (40 minutes treadmill, level 9 terrain, speed 9.5) burns off around 530 calories

1089 - 530 = 559 calories (Burn these off in your sleep anyways)

basically to lose weight who have to burn more calories off than you intake, well this way worked for me anyways! It's all about portion sizes and will power, the routine above was sort of what i tried to get to each day, somedays I had done interval training or Rugby training or weight training which had burned off more or less calorie, coincidentally a good hard weight session burns fat for 25 times longer than cardio does which is why i use a lot of cardio in my program to keep my fitness (which has sky rocketed and i'm now leading every single run we do as a team) but also do a lot of weights sessions which burns fat for longer.

I created this picture the other day which is now attached to the door of 'the junk cupboard' in my kitchen, which only gets opened on Saturdays!


Sorry if this dragged on and on but I'm pretty proud of myself and it's not too hard with a little bit of effort!


  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    congrats, you look great! what a great visual reminder for you.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    You do not have to apologize for telling your story in detail. This website does not need unsung heroes! You SHOULD be proud of what you have done, and I don't know you, but I'm happy for your success!
  • Good job!!! That is a great story. You are an inspiration to everyone who reads this. I like the idea of making a picture to put up in your "junk food" cabinet.:happy: :happy:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I don't want to judge, but I notice you did not say what you eat for lunch... I hope you do eat something because a man who is 5"9 needs more than 1000 calories a day to survive, especially if you are working out that hard. Maybe it was a typo ?
  • I don't want to judge, but I notice you did not say what you eat for lunch... I hope you do eat something because a man who is 5"9 needs more than 1000 calories a day to survive, especially if you are working out that hard. Maybe it was a typo ?

    I think this is a case of translation issues. Translated into American, Dinner = lunch and Tea = supper/whatever you want to call the last meal of the day.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    That's fantastic!!!
  • That is awesome! Here's to the healthy you~!:drinker:
  • Hey thanks everyone and yes tynkaluk it's a translation issue i'm a Northerner and we call lunch dinner and dinner tea, i also should have added that if i felt really hungry at night I would have a bowl of corn flakes or some more porridge, porridge releases energy slowly and also helps you get a good nights sleep!
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    Great job!!! My husband plays rugby, and has dropped 50lbs to play better!! You look amazing, I cant wait for him
    to read this!!! :)
  • A M A Z I N G!!! :drinker:
  • yes yes yes you look awesome!
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