What is "good" for Stronglifts?



  • timesinfinityplus2
    timesinfinityplus2 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, critiques and words of encouragement. I tend to try and keep my eyes off the mirror and off of others in the gym because I don't want to compare myself to them. But when I see some short, stout guy crawl under 8 plates to squat, it makes me feel feeble :D

    I'll avoid the 1RM attempts and just keep doing the program (without going in expecting to stall).
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Oh - slightly off topic, but a suggestion on your press - I did stall pretty hard on my overhead press and got to the point where I couldn't make 5lb jumps anymore. I could get 115, but just couldn't do 120. Tried deloading, got stuck at the same place. Picked up some heavy washers (5/8 lb each) and started adding just 2.5 or 1.25 lbs per workout, and just got 120. It's a technique called microloading and is really useful especially on the bench and overhead press, since they use fewer muscles overall. Allows you to keep making linear progression for longer, even if it's going a little bit slower.

    Dude the OHP is one of my favorite lifts, and most challenging by far. This one progresses REALLY slow. Everyone has trouble with the OHP, and I think it's great that you decided on smaller increments.

    That said, I'm due to hit 135lbs on the OHP in two weeks. Two 45s over my ****ing head, super excited... and a little worried lol. I remember the first time I saw a guy doing those, I thought it was crazy lol
  • michaelmadonna
    michaelmadonna Posts: 105 Member
    Oh - slightly off topic, but a suggestion on your press - I did stall pretty hard on my overhead press and got to the point where I couldn't make 5lb jumps anymore. I could get 115, but just couldn't do 120. Tried deloading, got stuck at the same place. Picked up some heavy washers (5/8 lb each) and started adding just 2.5 or 1.25 lbs per workout, and just got 120. It's a technique called microloading and is really useful especially on the bench and overhead press, since they use fewer muscles overall. Allows you to keep making linear progression for longer, even if it's going a little bit slower.

    Dude the OHP is one of my favorite lifts, and most challenging by far. This one progresses REALLY slow. Everyone has trouble with the OHP, and I think it's great that you decided on smaller increments.

    That said, I'm due to hit 135lbs on the OHP in two weeks. Two 45s over my ****ing head, super excited... and a little worried lol. I remember the first time I saw a guy doing those, I thought it was crazy lol

    I just did that a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty awesome ... and surprising how much harder it is with just a coulpe of those little 5lbers on. My pipe dream right now is to press my body weight (passed that in the others exept the Row). Although I may have to lose another 75lbs to get there.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Good = more than you lifted last time

  • timesinfinityplus2
    timesinfinityplus2 Posts: 57 Member
    Just as an FYI, I went in on Friday and did my Stronglifts and muscled those 130 pounds over my head doing Overhead Press. Onto 135!
  • slomeli79
    slomeli79 Posts: 29 Member
    Throwing in another data point for comparison. These are my numbers from this morning. I've de-loaded once on the squat so far, and twice on OHP.

    M/34/5'9"/185 lbs

    245 lbs - Squat
    200 lbs - Bench
    170 lbs - Row
    145 lbs - OHP (first stall was 130; steady progress since switching to 3x3)
    225 lbs - Deadlift
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Oh - slightly off topic, but a suggestion on your press - I did stall pretty hard on my overhead press and got to the point where I couldn't make 5lb jumps anymore. I could get 115, but just couldn't do 120. Tried deloading, got stuck at the same place. Picked up some heavy washers (5/8 lb each) and started adding just 2.5 or 1.25 lbs per workout, and just got 120. It's a technique called microloading and is really useful especially on the bench and overhead press, since they use fewer muscles overall. Allows you to keep making linear progression for longer, even if it's going a little bit slower.

    Dude the OHP is one of my favorite lifts, and most challenging by far. This one progresses REALLY slow. Everyone has trouble with the OHP, and I think it's great that you decided on smaller increments.

    That said, I'm due to hit 135lbs on the OHP in two weeks. Two 45s over my ****ing head, super excited... and a little worried lol. I remember the first time I saw a guy doing those, I thought it was crazy lol

    I just did that a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty awesome ... and surprising how much harder it is with just a coulpe of those little 5lbers on. My pipe dream right now is to press my body weight (passed that in the others exept the Row). Although I may have to lose another 75lbs to get there.

    ROFL! You could press your current weight, or loose the weight to get to where you're pressing now lol

    That's awesome man, keep it up :)

    Incidentally I'm pressing 135 today and a little concerned bc I only got 6 hrs of sleep last night and my nutrition the past few days has sucked.