Gal Only: How do you handle PMS Cravings



  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    I just have something... there is typically only a day or two for me that I cant overcome the carb and sweet cravings.... LOL... But I am lactose intolerant... so chocolate and other sweet treats are often out for me! I often want ice cream... SO I sometimes make my homemade shakes and sweeten them with splenda... they are good and help with the cravings.... and since now I learned to put a 1/4 cup oatmeal in them it keeps me fuller a little longer.... I also do popcorn both regular and kettle corn (LIGHT or low Cal brands!) .. this gives me the sweet and carbs and it fills me up... because when I get close.. my stomach feels like a bottom less pit!


    1cup almond milk
    1/2 -1 cup blueberries or fruit of your liking
    1/4 - 1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal
    2 tsp. Splenda (That's pretty sweet!)

    And of course if you want you can add these other things
    A chocolate chip granola bar is tasty instead of oatmeal
    I have even heard of one person adding a low Cal recees cup???
    I like to add Peanut butter one tablespoon is plenty with the above recipe
    Some add cocoa.. I have never tried this... I am lactose intolerant and its not a good combination for me! LOL!
    I want to try getting some low cal coconut bars and adding one of those?

    Try this... when you know its that time... buy the ingredients and keep them around till you just need something sweet... mix away... the good thing about this is often its filling and the milk, oatmeal and berries are great for you! Be careful with the other ingredients!
  • xmeganxtarax
    Train yourself to not need it because a lot of the time it leads to a binge. I had an addiction to candy and if i didn't get it then id get angry. that was an emotional addiction (all in your head) that i created years ago but i changed that and now i rarely crave it. I load up on healthy calorie dense foods and add an extra 200-300 cals, and if i still need something I treat myself to dark chocolate - but only 2 squares. I also still workout and find it helps with my cravings and my PMS/TOM pain.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I throw on my big girl undies and deal with it. It's your period. You are going to have one every month until you hit menopause or get knocked up. Log what you eat, and stop using it as an excuse.

  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    Im typically lucky and dont have any cravings mine works two ways if im cramping then it doesnt effect any emotion what so ever. if my body is physically not effected im an emotional train wreck. but never HAVE to have something, typically i eat less. i was blessed
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    I believe I made this post earlier...

    But take a Midol and get over it.

    We don't all have it so easy, doll. Some of us have more pain than you can imagine and need prescription meds just to keep from puking ourselves inside out. I'm glad you have it easy. I really am. But that comment is pretty insensitive.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    I chew my husbands *kitten* then I eat chocolate....

    ooooo dirty.

    IN for tossed salad!

    I thought I was the only dirtybird who went there first in my mind! :blushing:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Your body is craving iron since you are losing blood. Eat something high in iron or take an iron supplement.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    During that time of the month I accept that I'm going to have insane cravings and give into them. I try not to give in too much but when it happens, I deal and move on. I also try having slightly larger meals and snacks than usual because I tend to be genuinely hungrier during my period and that helps some. So bottom line...a lot of us go through this, resist those cravings as best as you can but try to forgive yourself when you fall off the wagon. :)
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    I believe I made this post earlier...

    But take a Midol and get over it.

    Midol never worked for me, I use ibuprofen, or Aleve.
  • lauryn86
    lauryn86 Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah my BFF barely even notices she has her period. Me on the otherhand sometimes has to go home and curl up into a ball in the bed because the cramps are so extreemly bad.....and wont stop hurting...midol...ibprof....heating pad....2-3 hrs later I MIGHT be ok. Some girls last for 3 days, some for yeahhhh you are being a bit harsh with the midol comment I must say. I get cravings too at that time...and honestly I always go off track then ...lots of will power and meal prepping i imagine will help if I actually do it.
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    My eating changes dramatically when PMS'ing. What's sad is each time it happens I don't even realize it is PMS. I just freak out that I'm becoming addicted to foods and hate myself, then I get my period and feel relieved. Just period cravings. If anything I use it as an excuse to indulge just for one week ;) Don't regret it.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I throw on my big girl undies and deal with it. It's your period. You are going to have one every month until you hit menopause or get knocked up. Log what you eat, and stop using it as an excuse.


    Also, be prepared for few months of hormone hell when going of BC. I just did it, and it took 4 months before I went back on because I couldn't stand it anymore.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    If you were to take a look at my diary each month you could probably point out which days I'm PMs'ing...You'll see great amounts of chocolate (M&M's, dove), ice cream (vanilla with hershy's syrup, yet more chocolate), pizza and beef, i go nuts for beef.
    To answer your question, when I have a craving, i GIVE IN. Doesn't matter if I'm PMS'ing or not. I eat what i want, make sure it fits into my calories and keep it moving. It's either that, or I'll be in an even crappier mood for two weeks.

    Eat a deficit, and you will lose weight regardless of those 5 lbs your body is holding onto during those days. This is going to happen every month until menopause, no use stressing over it. If it helps, put the scale away during that time.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    Okay Girls, this week has been brutal for me. I woke up last night with aunt flo and was almost sick to my stomach and sweating and my heart was pounding...I've been trying to keep within my daily calorie limit for weigh loss but I've been messing up and feel out of control. Should I lower my sugar the week before (hard to do)? I'm off my birth control ring since gaining 40 lbs on it but now my face is breaking out and I keep teeter tottering with the same 5 lbs lost but creeping back on again after a cheat.

    How do you deal with TOM and fluctuating hormone levels that can make life seem hopeless? I'm not normally such a Debbie Downer, but this month is killing me!!

    You too, eh? When they tell you you might gain a little bit of weight they don't tell you that a little bit is not actually in fact just "a little bit"! I gained 20 lbs on hormonal birth control. Not cool, I've since stopped it and an in the same hormonal swing that you're dealing with. :grumble:

    I get the cravings a couple days before aunt flo comes. When I do I buy a chocolate bar, just one, and I save it until the end of the day when I then devour it. And I make sure I work out a lot in and around that time and drink lots of water. I usually don't gain any weight.
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    Everyone is different but it can take a while before you feel normal again after getting off birth control. I think I read somewhere that your body will be back to its normal hormonal levels with 48 hours of being off them....based on personal experience I call that BULL!

    I'm probably not the best person to give advice about not caving in because i'm still struggling with good daily eating habits, but for me I know if comes from laziness than from actual cravings.

    I say give into your cravings but within reason. If you know you will crave chocolate, keep one or two small pieces of chocolate in the house for that time of the month. Hopefully since you will have it on hand it will prevent buying a king-size snickers bar at the grocery store.

    One of my friends stays strict every single day of the month but plans her "cheat" meals to coincide with TOM cravings. This works fantastic for her, but that means she does not have weekly cheat meals.

    Hope some of this helps.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Okay Girls, this week has been brutal for me. I woke up last night with aunt flo and was almost sick to my stomach and sweating and my heart was pounding...I've been trying to keep within my daily calorie limit for weigh loss but I've been messing up and feel out of control. Should I lower my sugar the week before (hard to do)? I'm off my birth control ring since gaining 40 lbs on it but now my face is breaking out and I keep teeter tottering with the same 5 lbs lost but creeping back on again after a cheat.

    How do you deal with TOM and fluctuating hormone levels that can make life seem hopeless? I'm not normally such a Debbie Downer, but this month is killing me!!

    Each month about a week prior, I make allowances in my eating habits. While I have not met a woman who still visits T.O.M. and enjoys it, it is a necessary part of life.

    During this time, I crave salt and chocolate....together...right now that sound awful. As I mentioned, I make an allowance for this by not indulging in anything sweet about a week before. My sodium levels are normally great as I am not huge on salting my foods, so speaking for myself, this works. And everything in moderation is my motto.

    As for those HORRID bath, a great book and Aleve (for me). Once in bed, I roll a small pillow, place it under tummy, usually the pressure of pillow works wonders.

    This with lots of showers and laundry is helpful. All you can do is try it, it may work for you also.

    Hope you are feeling better soon,
    Best Wishes
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    For cravings try cocoa almonds a few go a long way or a couple of chocolate covered espresso beans if you like coffee. If cramps are a big issue cut out the coffee and try hot raspberry tea. Sometimes it's hard to accept what our bodies do to us but if you keep working at eating healthy and getting in regular workouts I promise it will get better. Keep on drinking the water even when you feel like you'll drown in it, it really is needed. SF/FF pudding is another good option, gets you some calcium and has a variety of flavors to fit your mood. When you get over the quick munchies go brush your teeth o you don't keep on the downward spiral. I hope this helps.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I throw on my big girl undies and deal with it. It's your period. You are going to have one every month until you hit menopause or get knocked up. Log what you eat, and stop using it as an excuse.

    While this is very true, many of us ladies have it much worse than others, it is not an excuse, simply a reality. And I am absolutely positive that we would like more comfort during that time. So having said that, being so insensitive is really uncalled for. I am not hating on anyone, just being realistic about our differences as women, cycles and symptoms we may have.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I throw on my big girl undies and deal with it. It's your period. You are going to have one every month until you hit menopause or get knocked up. Log what you eat, and stop using it as an excuse.

    While this is very true, many of us ladies have it much worse than others, it is not an excuse, simply a reality. And I am absolutely positive that we would like more comfort during that time. So having said that, being so insensitive is really uncalled for. I am not hating on anyone, just being realistic about our differences as women, cycles and symptoms we may have.

    ok i guess i should have clarified that my period isn't a walk in the park, but thank you for assuming that i have no discomfort or cravings or other "symptoms". You have a horrible cycle? Do something about it. How is asking other people on the internet going to help YOU with the temptation to eat a package of oreos in one sitting for a week every single month?
  • shawnatheobald
    I found the best way to curb my cravings, during ANY time of the month, was to switch it with something else. If I was craving sweets, I grabbed an orange. The work of peeling it, eating it, etc, plus the sugar almost always guaranteed that the craving was gone by the time I was done. And if it wasn't? I grabbed another orange!

    If you really need chocolate or something, just account for that. Eat less for your meals so you can have more snacks during your week. You don't have to give up your favorites, you just have to eat less of them.