Fibro Flare-Up and Workouts

Fibro getting the best of me. Been doing so good with my workouts and walks, but have been getting worse and worse the last two weeks.. First the shins were killing me, then my knees, shoulders and most of my joints. Our walk last night was grueling, like walking in quicksand. Usually I'm the one pushing my husband to keep up. I think my trainer is pushing me too hard with the weight lifting, and I'm now having a flare-up. This morning I had ice packs on my knees, hips, shoulders and a heating pad on my back. All at the same time. I hadn't worked out since last Friday. I'm so tired, but not sleeping well.

Got a call in to my doctor for a referral or advice. Took a nap this afternoon and my joints had calmed down. However, I think I need to slow down and give my body a chance to recoop. What do ya think? and what do people here with Fibro cope? I cancelled my workouts for the rest of the week.
